Very nice!. Could you replace the fireplace screen with something that looks more like a fireplace? One of our competitors specializes in hearth accessories and this reminds us of them. Love the color scheme and the elegant look! Would love to see other ideas from you. Thanks!!
Hi, Here's a revision of entry #12 based on your feedback. Let me know if this is what you meant, or if you want a mantle etc shown as well. I thought i'd keep it simpler and elegant to start with. Thanks! Pam
We really like the idea of Texas/smoking chimney/hearth. I can't emphasize enough that the color, depth, and feel of your designs are really ideal...if you could just work with the Texas concept more I think we'd have a winner.
Thank you so much Pam! You are a great artist...I've perused some of your other designs on the site. Very talented...and we appreciate your work on this.
We'd really love to see the state of Texas with a smoking chimney panhandle used in the logo design, with your beautiful use of color and other artistic creativity. The fire looks awesome...perhaps some herringbone brickwork?
The state of Texas w/smoking chimney is not an original concept, although I get the idea that perhaps you are being careful not rip off any other designer's idea. If that's the case, your integrity is admired and very much appreciated, but we hope that you will not be afraid to work with the state of texas in the way we are looking for...with your added creativity.
Another word on the use of the state of Texas. A company around here that is no longer in business had a cheesy version of it awhile back. In fact, the people that owned that company were not certified and were a disgrace to the chimney/hearth industry, so Kyle found the idea of using that in our logo somewhat repugnant at first, but he has really taken to the idea now (thankfully). It would be a shame not to make good use of the texas shape when we have that in our name.
I can't in all honesty use the state of Texas in the same way as your first-ranked design. It is original to this contest and it is against my ethics as a designer to copy. FunDesign introduced this concept to this contest before you stated you wanted it in the comments area. Had your comment been made BEFORE this idea was submitted, or had it been in the original brief, then it would have been free for all designers to use. As it is, it is FunDesign's concept alone to develop, unless he wants to collaborate with another artist.
I will try to develop something different that you will like equally as well.
Believe me, we are kicking ourselves now for not stating it in the brief. I had actually thought to include it but at that time Kyle was strongly opposed to the idea for personal reasons...he got over that when he realized the concept worked well and was fairly obvious. That said, we still love your designs for the coloring and "texture" and we would love to see more ideas that include the Texas shape. We're still open to all ideas, actually. We could be influenced! from friends suggests that the font for "Chimney & Hearth" could be more western looking...or maybe just work with a different font perhaps? thanks!