We appreciate the new feel to the designs. We're definitely looking for something with a more "business", "Corporate", "Information Technologies" feel.
You've gotten closer than others in those regards.
If you want some good guidelines read the general comments.
April 28th, 2010, 7:32pm IMPORTANT NEWS: (TO ALL DESIGNERS)
1. Contest will be extended since we have not yet found a suitable design 2. Brief-case has been updated (Mostly with the stylistic sliders) to reflect what we need. 3. We need new logos and ideas, we are seeing too much of the same design shapes, don't be afraid to improvise if need be, we'll be giving feedback as soon as we see your logo online. 4. Feel free to contact us via private messages if need be,
Hi Sahlan, We began filtering through our logos to really keep the ideas that appear close enough to our expectations. Many of your logos we're placed into the "not interested" column, because they were too bland, or referred different industries like finance or immobilier.
We have been giving lots of general feedback for all designers, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could submit some new ideas by following those guidelines.