We really liked your initial design idea, you were highly ranked for a while. We added quite a bit more information on the "DOs" and "DONT DOs" of our logo. By following those guidelines I have no doubt you would rank very well, as you did initially.
April 28th, 2010, 7:32pm IMPORTANT NEWS: (TO ALL DESIGNERS)
1. Contest will be extended since we have not yet found a suitable design 2. Brief-case has been updated (Mostly with the stylistic sliders) to reflect what we need. 3. We need new logos and ideas, we are seeing too much of the same design shapes, don't be afraid to improvise if need be, we'll be giving feedback as soon as we see your logo online. 4. Feel free to contact us via private messages if need be,
#104 is nice, it's a good idea. But we,re missing the "sleak, refined, professional feel" that reflective text and gradient glow can give. We're really looking for a refined, professional, cutting-edge feel. You're on the right track, keep it up!