I am really liking #40 now. Before it looked too much like a dating company in #12 , now it does not. I would like to see that design in the font/colors of a #31 or #41 . #32 is still nice, it may be too busy though - is there a way to tone it down a bit?? I really like how you use that font in the middle - it is fun, yet still professional. I may be having second thoughts on whether I REALLY need the ".com" in there or not. #38 showed me that it can look pretty nice. But, alone on a flyer or other promotional material, having the ".com" is more useful for making people remember the website and the business overall. #38 , can you add in the tagline "build your network" and another with "networking made easy". Not sure if I like this, but maybe a tagline of "business & networking events". Kinda boring, but very descriptive of what the site is going to have on it. #31 , can you change your font to something more like #41 , but still a little rounded? I like your design, something is just not jumping yet though. #42 , show me a couple other abstract designs. You seem to be reading the feedback and responding well. Thanks everyone!
Hi there. I am really liking #40. Before it looked too much like a dating company in #12 , now it does not. I would like to see that design in the font/colors of a #31or #41. Thanks.
Can we try a few things here? On #40, please remove the little arch lines over the person's head. Also, add in the two taglines two make two different versions: "build your network" and "networking & business events" I do not like the first letter caps like that - I think it was better with all lower for this. That could change if we change the font type though. Can you try a couple different font types? #69 is a bit too bold in the middle as well. Thanks!
Hi again. Not sure if you are getting my emails, but I really want to see the changes I asked for - your logo is one of the top 3 right now!! Thanks, Dennis