Some cool designs here. I would like to see a variation of #57 with the icon to the left of the text and a capitalized "N" on Nerd. Thanks for entering.
#69, #70 - trying two different weights on the text. one a little more bold than the other. thanks for the ranking! please let me know if you'd like to see anything else.
The latest logo just moved you up in the ratings. Thanks. The only thing I'm concerned about with this design is that we might not always have tablets as tech advances, so that could date the logo a bit. Any other ideas beside the tablet? Maybe just the glasses and halo?
Congrats on being one of he top 5. And, thanks for the latest samples. I will rate the images soon, but wanted to say that I really like the simplicity of #96. Could you do a version with all uppercase lettering? Also, a version of #98 with a bow tie instead of a regular tie, and one without the tie, but keeping the partial black edge around the yellow "head". Thanks!
Oh, and a version of #83 without the tie and pocket protector (i.e., no yellow head) but keeping the partial black edge below the glasses. And, by the way, I like the concept of #84 with the cross, it just looks too "Microsoft" and I'm leaning more toward Apple products with NOG.
Great mods on the latest logo designs. I want to zero in on two designs now. On #104, I would like to see a version with all caps as in #108 and one with all caps and the addition of the bow tie. I would also like to see the byline larger on #104 and #108. Thanks!
Thanks for the latest designs and tweaks. We're getting close now. I really like #119, #120 and #124. It's going to be hard to narrow it down to one between them. I'm flip flopping.
I believe I'm leaning more toward the simplicity of #119 and #120. So, maybe focus on those a bit with bolder text like that of #124 and the stronger gold color. I getting real close to re-ranking the top spot. ;^)
#134, #135, #136, #137 - adjusting the text to be a bit more bold, adding a gradient for color accent - also playing with the halo position. let me know what you think! thanks for the encouragement! i'll keep workin' at it.
Thanks for the continued efforts. I'm not quite sure which logo variation I'm going to want to finalize just yet (it's been a long day for me, my brain is fried and I have to head out soon for a meeting), but I moved #120 into the 1st place slot right now as a placeholder. ;^) Will get back to you in the morning to work toward a final logo design. Thanks again for all the hard work and great ideas so far!
Well, it's time to zero in on a final logo to wrap up the contest. I want to use #119 and #124 as the starting point. I'm really undecided between the two at this stage (I love the starburst, but hate losing the halo). So, let's give them both a tweak before I eliminate one of them (they are in the 1 and 2 slots now). I think the bow tie adds just the extra kick needed. I also like the upper case text. Lets combine the bolder text of #124 with the image on #119. I prefer the solid gold in #124 to the gradient gold used in #135. Let's also increases the font size a bit on #119 and #124 as you did in #135. And use the darker gold color of the long starbursts of #124 for "GOD" and the halo. And, let's increase the size of the byline on both so it matches the length of the Nerd of God text like you had it in #35. And, add the bow tie to #124. Thanks again!
i think i've included everything according to your requests. #144, #145 are essentially the same, but i included the slight body outline at the bottom as an alternative once the tie is in there... though i think it works well without. #146 is the other file. all have the bold text, the gold color, the extended byline & the bowtie. let me know what you think or if you'd like to see anything else! thanks!
#147 - i don't want to muddy the waters, so to speak, but i wanted to give you an option combining the beanie and the halo, just in case. i am trying to incorporate the burst as well, but in a way that doesn't look too cluttered... i'm not sure about that, but i'm working! haha. thanks.
#148 - trying the combination - i had to take away some of the rays to keep the halo from being lost in the mix. i just wanted you to see, in case you wanted to consider this as an option. let me know where you'd like to go next!
Thanks. It doesn't necessarily muddy the waters, but it does spark an idea. How about versions with a nerdy flat top in place of the propeller? You know? One of these IIIIIII ?
Thanks. Could you put the heads from #149 and #151 on the full starburst from #145? That should give me what I need to narrow it down to the specific design I want to work with.
Thanks again for the latest mods. I have a class this evening to prepare for and attend, so I'll get back on the logos in the morning and try my best to narrow it down to one logo to finalize. So many good ideas!
Okay, sorry for the delay (a very busy week here), but it gave me some time for some thought on the designs and some feedback from a few other people. I like logo designs #149 and #152 the best. Before I choose one or the other to finalize, I would like to see a modification to each. On #149, I'd like to see a tweak to the halo. I think it needs to be a bit smaller. Also, maybe a variation with a tilt of the halo. On #152, I would like to see the full starburst behind the head (several of the darker rays on top are missing) and make the head a bit larger over the starburst. Thanks again!
Okay, I vacillated back and forth between the halo and starburst way too long, and while I really like the starburst a lot (it's more dynamic), I think the halo speaks better to the idea. In other words, without the words, what says Nerd of God best? I think the simpler halo. So, lets refine #149 as the final logo.
I still think the halo on #149 needs to be reduced a teeny tiny bit, but not as much as you did for #157. That one looked too "tight" on the head. Maybe somewhere in between.
Finally, I would like to see a text modification. I would prefer that the pipes not extend below the baseline of "Technology | Ministry | Life" if possible. If that's a problem, maybe use a capital "I" in their place.
Note that I sent you a private message, as well. Thanks!
#160 - i think i captured everything on this one, text modification, new tie & i went with the midpoint on the halo. let me know if there's anything else i can work up!
Good morning! Thanks for the latest update. Were almost there and I think we should be able to wrap this up today. Halo and byline are good. I would like to see another tweak to the bow tie, though, something in between the new and old one. I played with it in Photoshop and uploaded the image to the contest brief area as bow_tie.png so you can see what I did.
Also, I would like to see one tweak to the "Nerd of God" text. A separate version to the above with the text like it appears in #112 by EternalLight with the "OF" the same size as the other text but in gray, except without the gradation. Thanks!
Were you able to see the sample I uploaded, bow_tie.png? If not, I could email it to you if you provide your email address. I would like the bow tie to look more like that, smaller and tilted the same as the head. Also, is it possible to make the Nerd of God text a little less bold without reverting back to the original thickness of #119? Thanks again!
By the way, did you receive a private message from me? I sent one yesterday, but it's not showing up today?
#163 - i based this one on an overlay with your image - reduced & tilted the bowtie. i shaved a few pixels off the text, somewhere in between the two we've used so far.
i did get the message yesterday. sorry for not responding. it's kind of a community policy not to discuss outside work until after the contest. i do appreciate it though! we can talk more once the contest wraps! let me know if there's anything else i can work on here.
Thanks with regard to the private message. I just wanted to be sure you got it because it seems to have disappeared from my end.
Almost done on the logo. Based on #163, keeping the thinner text, can you revert back to the smaller black "OF" for comparative purposes. I think I may prefer that to the larger gray "OF" but I need to see it first. I know I'm a picky guy, but I want things just right (I'm a perfectionist to a degree, but you know that by now). Could you also round off the outer corners of the bow tie just a "little" bit? Thanks!
#164 - rounded up the tie & went back to the smaller black 'OF' with the new thickness...
i can understand the perfectionism! haha. truth is, contest holders vary from contest to contest as to the level of care they put into the process. some don't seem too picky at all (or we just nail it on the first try! haha.) and others it takes a while to nail it down. either way, as long as you walk away with the logo you want, it's all good! let me know on this new one.
Cool! Bow tie and text look good. One last mod. Could you take #164 and reduce the size of the head a little in comparison to the text. I'm thinking it might look a bit better, more proportional, reduced by maybe 10% in size. Not too much, just a little. Thanks!
Great! Let's go with the middle one, #165 (90%). I'm going to final rank the contest and choose that one as the winner. I would like to have final versions of the logo with transparency for both light (as created) and dark backgrounds (inverting black for white). Can you provide both .ai and .eps formats? If not, .eps will suffice. Also, can you make separate files of just the head, too? Thanks!!!