The new ones look really nice - still need to see what our employees think. One thing I noticed, our old logo has a hole in it's head, can you replicate that in a version or two? The filled in head may make it look a little big. Or, I might just be used to what our old logo looks like.
Okay, nearing the end. The most common comment on this logo is that the "horns" coming off the N and R kind of look like devil horns. Can we see how it looks without the horn? Or some other variation on the horn - I know you are using the runner dude's form for those, but maybe another way to do it? Also, can we try a version with more "gothic" font? Kind of like Monster Drink?
Great, we'll look for those. Also, one variation we wanted to see was the lettering in 37 with the runner in 36. Based on the current designs, that would be preferred logo. Looking forward to your other designs based on the request from 11/20 at 1:49pm. Thank you very much.
Also, would like to see the "Naperville Running Co" wording in a darker color so it shows up better. Not sure if that will detract from the logo or not.