Overall, I have been most impressed with your design (the "nEqualsOne" continues to look great to me), with only an interest in tweaking the icon part of it.
Some variations I am curious about would include (using #197 as a start point):
The icon as entirely black with just the bottom line of the equals sign as red (or vice versa);
Not having a space immediately above the equals sign; or not having a space between the two lines of the equals sign.
Having a background shade that brings up the "n"...;
Having a hairline around the "n";
Or, using
#176 as a start point, which I think looks cleaner:
Making the base horizontal two colors, say the bottom red;
Or put a small red "=" within the base of black;
Having the "n" as a very light shade of gray;
Or having the "n" with a hairline within it;
Italicizing either
#176 or #197, as you did with #125 and #126
An I am sure you have other ideas up your sleeve....!
Thanks for working with me on this over the holidays.