My take on your contest. Instead of dividing the 'myresume' with 'book' in colors, I use 'myresum' and 'ebook' instead. Emphasize on the 'ebook' in this web era. Hope you'll like!
this is getting into the creative realm that we are searching for could you send a couple more variations / ideas like the innovativeness and thinking you put in please try with same colors and maybe also using blue and orange
keep up the creativity thats really what we seek-- innovation and creativity
can you change the light bulb to a magniying glass id like to incorporate the idea of this image because ibvisouyl it is magnifying the job search focusing it on that section. so if it could focus on a resume or something like that . Let me know if i am explaining myself correctly? i like where u are gong with this.
canu work witht he colors on #125 and put it on a white background and i think weve decided not to go with the eBook but i like the thought. any other way u think, u seem to be very creative with that. Thanks alot.