MyPrivateArmyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / MyPrivateArmy

MyPrivateArmy has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 174 designs from 22 different designers from around the world.








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Logo Designer
conceptual of many people out there! please provide feedback.

(This comment references Entry #2)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
different font and angle to play on "best foot forward" - feedback appreciated.

(This comment references Entry #3)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
changed color scheme and shape a bit - tried more rounded figures but the effect didn't work as well. different font option. thanks for feedback

(This comment references Entry #5)
15 years ago
I feel that the "best foot forward" angle on #3 is a bit of a stretch. I'm not sure how many people besides other graphic designers would pick that up. Not that the design is totally off, but the meaning just isn't really conveyed as such.

On #5, the body position makes the figures look like they are doing synchronized aerobics. I don't mean to be harsh, but that's the first thing that came to mind.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I will think about a different approach over the next few days - thanks for honest feedback - it helps.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
another option with the similar repeat concept using the PA ... your feedback is helpful

(This comment references Entry #7)
15 years ago

Sorry, don't really like the design. The "My" is too subtle, and - if we would use an acronym - it would be "MPA" vs. "PA." I also don't like the stacked effect for the acronym.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Concept of a convergence of sales 'army' to achieve a goal - the star in the negative space. feedback appreciated.

(This comment references Entry #8)
15 years ago

Interesting logo. I like the font. The font color is pretty good, but I'm still wondering if I want anything (for a font) dark green at all. I suppose that's for me to sort out, but maybe you can see if anything else looks good. While trying other colors is definitely something I would like, I also wouldn't mind seeing just a darker shade of green for the font.

The actual drawing is kind of a cool concept. While spears are still militaristic, they are less so than guns, for example. One could interpret the design in two ways: (1) like you said, that people are coming together to accomplish a goal OR (2) that a bunch of military guys are surrounding someone or something (not exactly a positive image). While you may OR may not want to stay with the same theme, I am looking to avoid any sort of negative, military meanings.

Returning to the spears, I like the how they look on the yellowish ball (is this the sun??... not necessarily important). The whole thing looks a bit like a star or a sunburst. Or even a compass rose (see below). I would probably like to see the spears in a different color. I wonder if they could be brown or even rust or terra cotta colored...? The shape of the spearheads is probably almost right, although I think I would like to see a little more curvature (vs. the two straight lines that make up each side of each spearhead's outline).

Thanks a lot. This design represents some great "out of the box" thinking!

Also for future designs, the use of a compass rose or an old-fashioned compass might be something that would work for the logo. For anyone who has not done much navigation, a compass rose is something that appears on a map and is distinct from a compass itself.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
per your suggestion a compass rose design with deep rust brown arrows or spears to suggest coming together but more modified to only suggest the arrows. a globe like sphere in the center to give a global impression. thanks for feedback together we can make it the way you want it to be.

(This comment references Entry #16)
15 years ago
Thanks for going with the compass rose theme in #16 to try it out.

I honestly couldn't tell, though, that those were arrows/spears still. I only realized this after reading your comment above. Maybe we cannot have it both ways - compass rose and spears??? Maybe we can - I would be interested to see this evolve.

On the color scheme, I find the blue a little TOO playful and feminine. Something about it doesn't work for me. On the spears, I envision rust being darker and just slightly reddish. I don't see that in the brown you've chosen here. Maybe I'm thinking "burnt." (Hope this isn't confusing more than its helping.)

Also, the shape of the compass rose isn't quite doing it for me. Here are some that I like: (Would like this one to be longer at N-S-E-W points.)

Obviously I don't expect these the logo graphic to look totally realistic, but these should serve as food for thought.

Thanks a lot!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
a modification to the other version emphasizing the compass rose where the arrows come in and then go out in all directions. Colors per your request - can be modified in any way.

(This comment references Entry #17)
15 years ago
#17. Not sure the blue is working for me. I like how it dissipates, though.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
another version based on your feedback... thanks it is very helpful - still have to go to the sites you suggested for the compass - but have to do my regular work for a while - will do it tonight maybe.

(This comment references Entry #18)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
using a compass rose more in the style of the references with a single "spear" in the middle - switching to the dark rust and very dark brown tones. Thanks for all the feedback.

(This comment references Entry #23)
15 years ago
On #18, great effort, but I think that - at least in this instance - mixing the compass rose with the spears doesn't really work. I ended up thinking, "Man, those spears are oddly shaped. Why is that?" before I realized what you were trying to do.

I like the compass rose you've drawn in #23 more than #16. I'm not totally sold on the arrow in the middle of #23, though. It seems like - alignment-wise - it shouldn't break the top of the circle in the middle. Also, I don't know if I like the two-tone with black and white.

On color, both #23 and #16 work fairly well. But I don't LOVE the brown used on the compass rose in #23, although the font color works well. . The progression toward darker brown-red on #18 is good, but I'm thinking even on the darker end.

By the way, right now I like the font styles of #8 and #23 more than your others.
15 years ago
Also, given that it's for a website, we may have to move the graphic to the left end of the text. If you were to do this for #23, for example, it might look better if the compass rose was tilted to the left a little bit.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
did a horizontal layout and responded to your terrific feedback. The colors on the web are a bit different from what they might be in print I have used PMS 7517 rust and PMS 5185 dark reddish brown and other family colors in the center circle for contrast colors - these can all be adjusted to your request. I added a tiny shadow to the text to make it pop - this can be there or not.The "spear/arrow" can be removed if you want but it does show direction focus which is what your sales force will be doing.

(This comment references Entry #31)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I did a horizontal version of my earlier #8 and made the green darker as you had requested previously. Again colors can be adjusted and I can provide a couple of layouts in the final art of any concept you choose. Thanks for working with me.

(This comment references Entry #32)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
trying a text only version per your request - to look a bit like a 'stamp' of your name.

(This comment references Entry #64)
15 years ago

1. Can you change #8 so that the words are closer together, as if they read MyPrivateArmy vs. My Private Army? please so that the graphic is to the left of the text?

2. Also, could you do the same thing but move the graphic to the left of the text?

3. Could you also do a version that has graphic in between the words "My" and "Private"?? (but still with no spaces in between the words Private and Army as described in 1. above)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
per your request deleting spacing in lettering and adjusting colors to #8 into the horizontal format. IF the logo is selected we will provide it in 2 different layouts and also in a 1 color version for you. thanks for feedback

(This comment references Entry #100)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
per your request moved the icon between MY and PRIVATE. Thanks

(This comment references Entry #101)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
to show you the one color version that you can use if you need to engrave the logo or etch it or deboss or any other place where you must use a single solid color - good idea to be sure you like a black and white version of the logo as well as the color version.

(This comment references Entry #102)
15 years ago
Great stuff. Thanks for your responsiveness! A couple more requests. Is it possible to make the spearheads slightly more rounded on the edges (they are currently drawn with two straight lines that meet with a hard angle on each side of the spearhead)?

(#100 and #101)
15 years ago
Can we do #32 with a slightly less blue font and spearhead color? I like the brightness vs. previous versions, but this doesn' twork

15 years ago
Logo Designer
per your request more rounded spears. thanks

(This comment references Entry #127)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
per request #32 with a more true green PMS # 7483 was used in this one. and I kerned the space between words a bit but not totally together - can adjust PMS color to exactly what you want if the design is #1 during judging. Thanks and good luck.

(This comment references Entry #130)
15 years ago
If there's still time, can you please make the company name one word for BOTH #32 and #130??? (i.e. MyPrivateArmy vs. My Private Army)


(#130, #32)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Note - I don't have the files at this computer just now. You can get changes made during judging mode. You have to rank that design as #1 and then make the request and we can change it and add versions. Only the #1 ranked designer at Judging can submit changes or new versions.

You can rearrange ranking during the judging period to allow for the modifications to be made to the ones you are considering. Thanks for all the great feedback - it is good to work with someone who is specific about what they want to see.
15 years ago
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