Here's a variation of #39 with the tag line added. It felt that with the tag line included it was redundant to label the document "resume" since it could be implied from the tagline. The result is a cleaner graphic (i think anyway)
#42 - I tend to agree with you dropping the word on the document itself.
There are three spellings of resume. With two accent marks, with one on the final e and with none. I tend to prefer the one with none, even though it is sometimes confused with the word that means to start again. Can you take the accent off the resume word in the tagline and also make the tagline darker? I really like this one, but I'm afraid that in a small size, like on a business card, the grey lettering won't be readable. Can you make it black?
Here's an updated version with the tagline in black (and a little bigger for readability and to associate more with the doc being represented. I'm glad you mentioned something about spelling of resume. I just went with the wikipedia spelling - but it didn't really look right.
#67 - Great work! You've jumped to the top position with this design. Even my mentor likes this one best. But I'm still concerned about the resolution/readability of the tagline when the logo is small. If I mouse over, it looks great. What can you say about how it will look in print, like on a business card or ad?
In this version I made the tagline a little bigger and went back to a more neutral gray so it doesn't compete with the word "Career". I can assure you that it can print quite small and still be readable. Although on your website it will depend on how large your logo appears on the screen. It should be noted that the Logotourament website reduces the size of the thumbnails when it displays them on the contest page in a way that slightly distorts the image (so all of the images don't look as good as they could) but when you mouse over you get the full size view that was originally submitted by the designer. To sum up... the image can be optimized to look better than what is displayed on the Logotounament website. (I hope that makes sense) If you choose this logo, I will still be available to make adjustments if there is a legibility problem with the print or web versions.
#81 and 82 Oops. I realized that these are the most recent. Can you please change the text of the tagline from Professional Resumes to Resume Writing? Thanks!
Briscoe, For your comments on the public board, here is my thoughts. You can blame on anybody to enter last minute if those are original. If you want to say those are copies you'd bettter come up with proofs. Do not try to disgrace other designer in a public board like this, that doesn't bring you a trophy. Well, it may bring you some but what's to gain? I don't think it's honorable prize. Just my thought.