Still Liking the design, But Felt I wanted to brighten up the colors and re-submit, Second one is same design but calling out the "DVD Player" with a slight white highlight. Looking forward to comments. Thanks, Pat
Heres a new direction: I know your color preference is red and blue But wanted to submit one in a different color scheme. thought behind it is with Xpress in logo red just reminds me of slow/stop... I had the play button in red and it just looked wierd to me? But I dont think it will be a killer if you would like to see it in red!
I just didnt want you to think I was one that didnt following directions very well =-)
thanks for your earlier comments! Got me here, and I think their working pretty well.
I like #51, can you remove the fast forward and skip buttons and make the 2 yellow butons a bit smaller, I appreciate that you may need to reshape the X to accomodate. I also noticed a very fine broken line or circle on either side of the X. If you could remove these as well that would be great! Thanks again!