I'm starting to get feedback from my team. They all like number #17, the concept, but we all still think it is missing on some level. I don't think the giving st. addition will work. Maybe take the concept you started with and make it tighter and 3Dish. Like an emblem, oval or square. #19 is liked by a few - comment is too busy. Maybe decrease the amount of people to a few. And as always if you come up with something totally new pop it in too. Thanks. John
I've like everything you've come up with. My team, as you see, is leaning a diff. way. Can you come up with something different. I'd like to keep you in this. Thanks. John
Johnny, Thanks for the encouragement! It was becoming obvious that the top selections were beginning to take a stylistic detour and I don't know if my style can bend that way but here's my take on the current direction. #69 shows the concept of combining the had, gift and earth that you've asked for into one unified logo. I feel that all 3 should be integrated rather than compartmentalized if they're going to represent your company well.
Please note that I've focused mainly on rethinking the logo and I haven't changed the type much (yet). Colors are easily changed if necessary.
I like the new entry very much. I will bounce it off the team today and get feedback for you. I'm not sure about the underlining on the names. I'll ask the team what they think. Thanks. John
The team liked it but is still leaning towards the other design. They are not sold on it yet by any means. No one feels that we have the perfect logo for us yet. Got any other ideas? Thanks. John