First of all thank you for considering our proposal for your brands design contest. We have uploaded some changes as per your suggestions and added some more variations of our own. we would love to hear from you on how we can develop this further to fit your requirement.
Once again thank you for the kind words and appreciation.
Thank you so much for your brilliant works. #136 and #137 are very close to our demands but we are wondering if you can add a symbol of bird although we understood the circles can be symbols of birds... We would like to show a symbol of bird in our logo more clearly. As for the style of logo, we are going to take the #137 style as our main logo but also we need more horizontal style like #136 by use. By the way, the size of letters of #136 are a little small and we prefer the logo mark of #137 rather than #136.
Could you kindly develop your design as above, please?
Thank you very much for the variations... We are afraid but #135 without the underline became the better one after long-long discussion.. (see the example image below) Could you brush up #135 with symbol of bird and without underline, please? A little larger symbol of bird will be preferable.
Thank you for the support and guidance all the way to achieve this result together. It was an honor working with you. We will upload the final files soon.