This is an interesting idea. I had not thought of the 1:20 ratio idea. And the header "Are you the one?" is very catchy. I have already commissioned a web site with a green color theme, and a backup company is creating an alternative with a blue scheme. The gold color does not fit with that.
The 1:20 is also easy to confuse as a clock time and the gold color suggests that it might also be a Bible verse.
Well, let's see if I can come up with some alternatives that work better. I was inspired by "The second should be subtle so that people can wear it, but only others who use the product recognize it and connect to each other." One out of Twenty works certainly does that! I didn't see the Bible connection, mainly because there wasn't a John or Ezekiel (as it were) attached to it. One colon twenty is the proper mathematical way to say "one chance in twenty"...
I'm pushing hard for THE ONE spot of gold. Because the person you want THINKS of themselves as THE ONE BIT of real gold in a world of copper coated zinc and fancy paper.
#8 - Now this is interesting. It clearly shows a unique person in a group and in a cubicle environment. That is a clever idea I had not thought of. You came up with this and the "Are YOU the one?" tag line. Very creative mind.
Entry #8. What would you think of reversing the colors of the grid and squares? So the squares are dark green and the grid is white. Then adding a couple of border segments outside to suggest the outer edge of the area, but without completely boxing it in?
Also, is there a way to make the golden coin more prominent? Larger might throw off the balance, so I am not sure how to accomplish that.
Well, now here's a departure. Perhaps I've done too much. I tried to retain the gloom of a cubefarmer by using all dark colors. I made the coin a coin. There's a star on it and a familiar, but slightly modified motto - "e pluribus unum sum" - "Out of The Many I am The One." Teehee!
#14 - What if the squares were smaller, revealing more white background? Then the gold coin should be solid color, no writing on it. The writing will not show up in a logo.
#29 & 27 - These are great ideas! I would not use them for my logo. But I do want them for material that I present in the seminars. This carries a good strong image on a big projection screen. We will come back to this after the contest is over.
#25 - This is nice as well. A good balance of small squares and a contrast with the gold star.
#23, 24, and 26 - I think #25 does this better and the others.
#35 - Not what I am looking for for a logo. The blatant "ME" in this and others is a problem that I do not know how to address. These are the initials I created with the name, so I need to find a way to morph that or mitigate it. One idea I played with before the conference is the letters "ME1M". The "1M' means one million and I know it is a little repetitive, but it blurs the "ME" a little bit and creates something that is unique and carries a meaning to those in the know even without any other words.