#51 I really like the simplicity of your design, but I would like to see it in a color box similar to #53. I like this box concept. #53 Can you change the font used for the word "Entertainment" to be the same as the one used in design #51 and can you also use the same brown color as the one used for the inside of the word "Mijo." Also, on design #53 can you erase the heart on the left ear-bud of the headphones. Thank you.
Also, with the designs I have been getting, I started to like the way the color tan & brown look. I will be updating my website and using these colors. I plan to use a colors similar to the colors on the wynn-las vegas website (www.wynnlasvegas.com). As you can see, your design is top of the rank, but can you get rid of the orange and change the color to something similar as the wynn website.