Hi, really like what you did with the color inside the font in #114 and #115. You do it even bigger in your own logo. Could I see more of that? A logo with something graphic, like colors inside.
And what would that look like if you did #115 or #116 on one row? Is that possible. I like #115 a lot, but we were aiming for a logo with one row because it is less high and better readable.
Thanks for your fast response! Thanx for #164. I like the colors and that metro and vision are on the same row/line. But it's not near as cool and monumental as the designs in your portfolio I referred to.
Have to say I don't like what you did with the "O"'s I guess the font or space around or above the text should be bigger to be able to do something special with the colors (as in your own logo).
Will you enter a design with elements from the MetroVillage logo as requested?
Three things: 1) Could you use fonts from #115 and #116 (more elegant). If you use #115 slightly bolder, if #116 less bold. 2) Could you show different colors, I like the suggestion of earth (green) and sky (blue). But I'm not to sure if those colors suit me. Maybe you could experiment a little. If it's a skyline then different times of day give different colors. Also slightly more depth could help. 3) Not sure if it would help. But if the line separating earth and sky would be less symmetrical, maybe gives logo more dynamic. I see more ways of doing this. One would be shifting/tilting the two hemispheres, the other maybe not using the same thickness for the white line.
I'd love to see one where you tilted the blue and green hemispheres (without tilting the M and V of course).
Gee that's a long story (sorry) but I hope it benefits you and your designs.
#180 Helps me to get a clearer view of what I m looking for.
Only small-caps (metrovision) or only capitals (METROVISION), so don't mix them. Untill now your best designs all used small-caps.
Emlem was better in previous designs. But square with rounded corners could work if used with older emblem. It kind of resembles computer/mobile/laptop screens. Wich could be nice since we build websites and applications.
Maybe you can use different colors in emblem and other colors in word (metrovision). WIch together five warm and colorful feel. We like (redish)purple-with (blue-ish)purple gradient like in #115. And Other favorite colors are blue like in #116 and orange-tones and yellows and reds.
#221 en #223 great lighting/coloring. #220 I think the square (screen) with rounded corners works fine, but there should be something else inside. Just M (and not from top to bottom) or maybe M and V but different. Maybe M (and V) like pixels on computerscreen. Experiment if you like. Love the colors, so no need for change there. (You can try out new stuff if you like of course).
Anyway I love where this is going. You got there fast too!
Hi, I love #269!!! Thank you so much for adding new designs.
Let's focus on this new direction! Font Could I see #269 with the font/lettering of #216?
Overlap Three leafs form the letter M, Two leafs form the letter V (I love that).
Could you use a transparent overlap so the M seems to have one color or group of colors and the V has another (group of) color and the leaf wich is part of the M and V has the combination of both colors.
(hope you understand what Iám trraying to explain). Example: if the M is red, the V is blue, the overlap would be purple.
Hope to see some variations soon. Kind regards, and thank you for you consistent hard work :)
One more thing (please read /process together with previous comment)
Yesterday (after the last comment) I recieved feedback from my associate. She also loved the design #269 but she also commented it was maybe a bit (too) feminine We both thought that might be easily fixed by adding different colors, maybe shades of blue and green and/or typography.
To be perfectly clear, one if your designs will be chosen as number one!
I like the designs with grey, but seem to miss the warmth of the previous designs. So to be completely honest, I think we're almost there. But also a bit stuck. We have the right shapes, we have a range of colors. We have two great fonts.
But how do we get frome there to a logo wich is balanced (masculine/feminine, 7 chakra's) but not too "new age or flourist"
When do you leave for Turkey? I could mockup some variations of my own. But for some changes I need your help.
I just realized that the new dots almost looked like dialogue/text-balloons. So it almost looked like the two I's were (people) talking to eachother. (it's a bit of a sidetrack, but maybe you could give the dots a bit more feel of textballoon square rounded only in two corners might do the trick. Or give the I's a hint of human silhouette? (just thinking out loud) ;-)