I'm going to be moving a couple other designers into the top spot, but your work is among our two or three favorites. Thank you again for your responsiveness!
Very glad they like this awesome and unique brand. The text its manipulated by myself, so you will not find anything like it as well, either a smile like this incorporated on a lettering. I´ve submitted revisions and some other texts that I manipulated to look like the original.
Thank you for all your work in this tournament, jjbq. The owner likes this logo a great deal. Could we see a few variations on the font choice and the bluejay? Our big concern is that the bluejay may not be visible on certain printings or embroidered clothing. Perhaps we could see some new updates with and without the bluejay. Any adjustments you can make are very appreciated!
Thank you for your work in this logo tournament. If you're receiving this message, you are a finalist in our estimation. This is probably not the way most clients run their logo tournaments, but the nature of our business doesn't allow for ample or regular communication among stakeholders. For that reason, please consider yourself still in the running for the prize. As marketing director of our company, I still need to share most of these concepts with our key stakeholders, get their input, and then run that information past the owner of the company (who will make the final determination after discussing with me). Please also understand that the Christmas/holiday season makes it all the more difficult to get feedback promptly, so we will likely take this tournament right up until the final day...or hours. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we might be temporarily moving you for some final tweaks. All of your work has been appreciated!
I know the communication has been limited, but I appreciate your design work and hope you'll take time to submit some more variations and ideas for designs. To reiterate some important points about our owner's taste: blues and greys for color, smile images but no teeth, and possibly incorporation of bluejay imagery are appreciated. He very much likes logo images (smile/bird) incorporated into the name as much as possible. Thank you again!
Thanks for your designs! I have some feedback to provide before the end of the blind phase. I've just spoken with the company owner about the designs that have come in so far. Some of you will be moving position as a result. But I want to implore you to please keep your designs in the contest, as I'll be getting more feedback over the next couple days. A few things the owner is commenting on that I'd like to emphasize before blind phase ends: (1) He is very much set on a blue and grey color scheme. He's not interested in greens anymore. (2) He is not interested in plant images, so no more logos with stems, shoots, trees, or fields, etc. (3) He does like the idea of trying to incorporate a bluejay (city mascot) into the design, though he's not demanding it and likes many designs without them. (4) He has said he does not want a logo with a cursive or handwritten-looking font. (5) He does not want a design with abbreviations or initials of the name. I hope this is helpful to you, and again, I appreciate your design work!
I wanted to pass along right now in the blind phase that -- regardless of where your designs currently stand in the ranking -- you are not out of consideration for our top design. I run this tournament on behalf of our owner who only has the chance to give feedback periodically. So until I hear from him and other stakeholders, your ranking means very little. All this to say, please do not withdraw any designs (unless I've pointed out a glaring problem), and please do not assume you're out of (or in) the running based on your current position. Thanks for all your work, and I'll try to provide as much helpful feedback as I can going forward.
Comment Activity
Very glad they like this awesome and unique brand. The text its manipulated by myself, so you will not find anything like it as well, either a smile like this incorporated on a lettering. I´ve submitted revisions and some other texts that I manipulated to look like the original.
If you need anything else just let me know.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
I´ve submitted already.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,
Hope you´re having a great day.
Thank you for your great feedback on my logos.
If I think in other similar ideas for the full wordmark I will submit.
Anything you may need just let me know. Your feedback is always welcome.
Thank you.
Kindly Regards,