Melbourne Pools & SpasLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Melbourne Pools & Spas

Melbourne Pools & Spas has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 192 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.


















































































Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Hi Luckykid
Thanks for your submission. #14 certainly demonstrates strength and I like the fact you are thinking outside the squares. The large M motive above the font is a bit heavy for my liking. I have had a look at your profile and I really like some of the work you have produced so I am keen to see what you can come up with. I know the name of my company doesn't give designers much to work with because it is so conservative.
One tip I would like to give you is that I do not necessarily love any of the higher ranked designs or concepts at this stage. I am obligated to give them a rank based on what is currently available, so the competition is still wide open to anybody. Also I am not necessarily after a logo with a motive. If you are still interested you might like to try a few different strong font designs, some with and some without motives. Here are a few links for inspiration. Obviously they can't be copied and I can't guarantee that any new designs you produce will hit the spot but they are all strong font designs, nobody else has tried this avenue, so I think it may be worth exploring. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Hope this helps and good luck.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback. I will definitely head in another direction and work to get you the identity you need.

Take care - Kent
12 years ago
Hi Kent,
I really like where you are going with this one. Just a couple of comments that may help! I think the Melbourne Pools needs to be a bit stronger. I do actually like the motive and its translucency, however to me it dominates the company name so by strengthening the Melbourne Pools font, I think there will be a better balance. (Be careful not to go to far the other way though).
I did a test print and the (& spas) hardly shows up at all, so I think that this needs to be addressed.

Another idea that may work is to join MELBOURNEPOOLS like this and separate the words by using a different font colour. Not sure if this would work but I am trying to give you as much feedback and help as possible.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,

Thank you so much for the feedback. With your help I know I can produce the perfect identity for you.
12 years ago

These are great Kent, I like them all in different ways.
It is 2.30pm here in Australia and my wife should be home from work in about 3 hours. Before I rate them I would also like to get her opinion. For what it’s worth I really like them and at this stage, to me, they are the most refined examples so far, so thanks.
It is probably late over there in the states so get some sleep and as soon as I have had a discussion with my wife I will update rankings and give you some more feedback.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,

I'm up pretty much around the clock. So I'll look for additional feedback later. Hope your wife likes them too.
I'm here for you even after the contest for any needs you might have.

Thanks again - Kent
12 years ago
Hi Kent,
You are a hard worker.
All your designs are great however for practical reasons I can’t put them all up near the top even though they deserve to be there. I am after uniquely different designs and if all yours dominate near the top it may influence other designers to mimic your ideas.

My wife and I both agree designs #36 and #33 are the best for our purposes. They are both strong and have a bit of flair which is what I am after. There are a couple of minor changes I would like but I am happy for these to be made in the next stage because I am aware of all the effort you have put into my logo and I'm sure you would appreciate the time to work on others. Both of them will definitely be in the final 5 so you will have the opportunity to make the changes over the next couple of days.
For your information the slight changes are to remove the + from logo #36 and replace it with the & symbol and in logo #32 would be to give the Pools & Spas more dominance to make it clear we are promoting a pool business and not Melbourne the City.
Just so that you know I will be getting help from friends and colleagues to score the top contenders so its not going to matter where you are ranked in the top 5 as we go into the next stage. As far as I'm concerned all top 5 entries deserve to win however the final decision will be based on popular opinion.
I have to say it seems a little unfair that so many designers put in effort for no return.
Anyway thanks for your great designs and I look forward to cathing up soon.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you David. I will work until you are proud of the identity I create for you.
Looking forward to getting you the revised entries and hearing your focus group's opinions.
I'll do whatever is needed to make this just right for you.

Take care - Kent
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,

Hope you can tell that I would really like to be your designer on this. I have made several of your country mates very happy and hope to do the same for you. If you have any requests, I would be happy to make them.

Thanks again - Kent
12 years ago
Jeez... you’re keeping us both busy Kent. LOL
I still like entry #115 the best and I think it is pretty close to optimal now. I don’t have too many ideas on how it can be changed and I am finding that you designers really know what you are doing and quite often some of my suggestions throw out the balance of the original design.
As already mentioned you will be in the final five and regardless of whether you are ranked 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 you will have an equal chance of winning because the end result will be based on a vote.
I will give you a breakdown of what I really like about your design and the number 1 ranked because personally I think it will between the two of you unless my friends and colleagues have really bad judgment. (Just Kidding)

Your design
1. The green accents in the motive and its translucency make it stand out in the crowd
2.The motive is interesting and pleasing to the eye
3. The company name is bold and easily recognizable
4 I like the proportions
5. It looks a bit like an English coat of arms giving it in my opinion a sense of history.

The other design
1. It is bold
2. Simple and I think easily recognizable and remembered
3. The shape of the M has a vague link to water.
To my eye they both stand out, yours because of the colour ( that slight touch of green really works for me) and the other one because of its bold simplicity.

The only things that I can suggest you might want to think about over the next couple of days is to continue working with the abstract motive and try to give it a more easily recognizable shape or simplifying it in a way that it can become a little bolder without dominating the company name. I don't think just making it bigger will work particularly if the design is placed above the company name. I believe it will become to tall and top heavy
I hope this helps Kent
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much David for all the info. I will take that and rework the design till there really is only one choice. I really appreciate this opportunity.

Take care - Kent
12 years ago
Hello Kent,
I hope you are well.
Thanks for #152 and #153 but I still prefer your other designs. I have been experimenting with the different logos and doing letter head test prints and I keep coming back to #32 with a couple of small changes. I will put it in point form to make it easier to understand:
1. Replace the company name layout on #32 with the company name layout and font with #31. So we should have the #31 company name layout positioned under the circled Motive with an M.
2. I would like to see a version with the (& spas) positioned to the far right under (Pools), the far left under Melbourne.
3. The & Spas to be in the original green, and a light blue version as well.
4. Same layout but using the heavier font from #45 but please make sure Melbourne Pools is separated.
5. The & Spas in this version to be dark blue but marginally smaller, about the same length in total as the urne when positioned under Melbo(urne).

If you are able and its not to much trouble, could you do a test print on the top corner of an A4 page and let me know what you think from a designer perspective.

My wife and I can imagine this logo being used for a 5 star Hotel. It looks proud and prestigious which is what I was hoping to achieve.
Thanks for all your help Kent, you have been outstanding.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much David. I will work on all these variations. I really see this as being an excellent identity.
One that when potential clients will see and have a positive feeling about and trust that you will provide a service far above your competition. You'll be the one they'll have to use to get the desired results.

Thanks again - Kent
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,
Hope you are doing well too. I hope I made the revisions the way you had hoped. I also included some where the font is bold.
Thank you - Kent
12 years ago
Thanks Kent these are great.
I am leaning towards the version with the heavier font, #162 #163 #164 #165 #166.
1. Could you remove the line under #162 #163 #164 #165 #166.
2. Seperate MelbournePools to look like this.... Melbourne Pools
3. Show me a green version of the & Spas under #165 and #166

I think we will be very close to the final design and I will get another opinion from my wife in about 4 or 5 hours from now.
Just so you know you will be winning this so thank you.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry about that David. I meant to put that space in there.
I'll make those corrections right away. Thank you!!
12 years ago
Thanks Kent,
Once you make the corrections I will show may wife when she gets home. It is approaching midnight for you so I will leave you alone for 8 or 9 hours.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing David. Just posted them. Let me know if I can make any further modifications.
I'm a night owl so I will check in occasionally.
Thank you - Kent
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,

Hope you are having a nice night. Let me know if you need anything.

Thank you - Kent
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Do you want me to make one with the space and keep the line?

Thank you - Kent
12 years ago
Hello Kent,
I have decided to go with #165. We liked the line under the Melbourne Pools after all.
The only request I have now is to make the (&) just a tiny bit smaller. Everything else remains the same. It is 2.45 am here so I will be logging off and I will take a look tomorrow. By the way as per a previous message there are a number of your designs that could easily be ranked higher. The only reason I ranked them lower was to try and minimize others imitating you designs. I will be happy to rank them higher to help you out with your overall ranking score. Just let me know and I will make some changes.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,

Thank you. I will make that change right away. Anytime I enter there is usually a lot of imitating designs.
Just had one in another contest where the designer almost made an exact copy. Just unbelievable.
Thanks again and get some rest.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm anxious to get your files to you.

Thanks again David

12 years ago
Hello Kent,
I am really happy with #190 which is ranked number 1.
This design is my final selection so I don't see any point in keeping the contest open and wasting the other designer’s time. I am assuming I can declare you the winner early by clicking on the end contest early. Is this correct?
Apart from the standard EPs file and the various files are there any others you recommend. I was thinking of a B+W version, High Res JPG and a colour PNG for the Web.
The logo will be used on business cards, letter head, magazine advertising, websight and for poster size site signs.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Well done and thank you for the fantastic logo and your professionalism.
Do you have a business email in case I would like to make any changes to your design in a few years’ time? If so I will keep it on record.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,
Thank you. I really like that design also. I'm sure you can. I have won before on the first day a contest was open. LT will require different designers in the second and third positions. Once you declare I upload the winning file. After you approve that, I'm allowed to send other variations by email. I will definitely get you my contact info and be here or you whenever you need me. Thank you for this, you have been great to work with.

I'm on my IPad so please excuse any typing errors.
Take care - Kent
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I look forward to sending all the files you need.

Thanks again for choosing my design.

Take care - Kent
12 years ago
Hi Kent,
Just letting you know I have officially declared you the winner so I imagine LT will notify you shortly.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much David! I will upload the files ASAP. Then please use the approve files link to complete the LT process. Then I'm allowed to send other files via email.

Take care - Kent
email: note: no "c", old 7 letter max screen name
12 years ago
Hi Kent, David here from Melbourne Pools.
Thanks for the files.
I have just compared them to your low res submissions and the colours are very different. They all look over saturated, allot brighter and not as good as the originals. I have opened the JPG in Photoshop CS4 and experimented with different colour profiles and played around with the saturation but cannot get them to look anything like the originals. The only way I can get a close resemblance is to convert the image to CMYK but the colours are still off.
It looks like a colour space issue but I just can't seem to correct it. Could you please check what you sent on your end or if you have a solution let me know the cause of action I should take.
Thanks Kent
12 years ago
Logo Designer
The EPS is the main file and was created in CMYK. The JPEG is converted to RGB. There really shouldn't be any change in color as they are made from the same file. Please try opening the EPS from photoshop into CMYK and see what you get. EPS file is vector so you can determine the size you want when opening. Can you send me what you are getting so I can see.

I will send another EPS, PDF and JPEG to your email.

Thank you - Kent
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I just sent an EPS, PDF and RGB JPEG to you email. (
I think that the original JPEG being CMYK might have caused the color shift.

Thank you David

12 years ago
Hi Kent,
The EPS file is perfect. I will send the JPGs shortly via your email

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,

The EPS is really the important file since it is vector and can be scaled without any loss of quality.
Hopefully the new JPEG will look right but of course you can make a JPEG at any desired size from the EPS.

Thanks again
12 years ago
Thanks Kent,
I have sent you an email
12 years ago
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