We really like this, but we would like to be able to see the "C" more if you could change the perpective. Also we would like to add another C so the initials are all there - MCC. The second C needs to be seperated off somehow. We do not like the font below. We want something more block-like and tough. We would also like the McClone Construction Company off to the right of the logo and add "Since 1975" somewhere in the design.
We like the original except if the edge between the M and the C were on a hinge, we would like the C to swing slightly more at a 45 degree angle. Then we would like another C, as if it were another structure next to the first.
It is really important to understand that our initials are MCC, not MC. It stands for M - McClone. C - Construction. C - Company. We would really like to see another version of #48 with another "C" that is on the same plane as the first M and C. We are also interested in #89 but would like to see the "M" on the same gray scale as the "M" in #59 and the "C" in red instead of blue. As far as font, we are leaning toward the layout of the our name in #99. Another idea is to keep #48 pretty similar, but stack 2 "C"s on top of each other where the original "C" is and put our name out to the right like in #99. Thank you again for your submissions. Sorry, I'm new to this and hadn't looked at your comments because I didn't know. Thanks again.
I see what you were doing with the Mc and that's cool, but that second C stands for Construction. We did like that idea though. Maybe a version with all the letters equal in size and another like I described above. Thank you!
Ok, I think we're getting close! We would like to see 2 versions of what you have. First version - if you could keep the coloring and angle of #48, but add another C like you have on #149 with the company name like you have it on #148. Second Version - If you could change the large "M" on #90 to the grey scale you use on #59, but keep the same angle you have on #90. Then make the small "C" on #90 red and get rid of the wedge of the "M" you can see in the very back. The logo on #90 looks good. Thank you!
#152 looks great! We would like to see one more version of #48 now please. Can you keep the logo the same, except make the C into 2 C's stacked on top of each other. We would like all of the angles and perspective to remain the same, just make the C into 2 instead of 1. And make the company name like you have it to the right on #152. Great work! Thank you.
We like #152, but we think it will be a hard sell to the rest of the company because it emphasizes the "Mc" in McClone instead of the M standing for McClone, the C standing for Construction and the 2nd C standing for company. The design of it is great though and it is definitely being considered. We really love the logo on #48, but we can't figure out how to add the 2nd "C" to that design to incorporate all of our initials without effecting the look too much. We didn't like the stacked "C"'s. The 2 "C"s next to each other seems too spread out and the original perspective of #48 gets lost when you do that. If you can come up with any way to keep #48's logo pretty much the same, but incorporate another "C" that is on the same scale as the first 2 letters, that would be amazing. We've been racking our brains trying to figure out how that can work. In #155 and #158 the spacing between the colored bars is too much - like I said, we really love the angle and everything about the logo on #48, if we could just get that 2nd "C" in there somehow. Thanks again for your designs. You do great work!
What if on #48, the 2nd "C" was like another structure slid out from the back of the first structure, which is the "MC?" Like you're looking at 2 buildings and the 2nd C is just behind the first structure but visible because it is a few feet slid to the right. I don't know if that makes sense. http://stocklogos.com/node/19626 is an idea.
One more thing....because we really like your work. As we're coming to the end, we're thinking maybe just Wordmark is the way to go. We're still looking forward to seeing your revised designes, but If you could throw in a few variations of how you have just our name laid out in #152 with no logo, that would be great. Again, thank you!
Thank you! We like #188. Since it is so difficult to get all of our initials into a compact, appealing logo, we have decided to go with wordmark. Can you please submit a few variations on yours? Thanks again!