Wow, I really like this look...with Mars in the background semi "faded".....and having the homes on earth, makes it pretty clear that one is earth and one is mars. Thanks for joining in. If you can make the earth look more "earthy" with the typical swirls and stuff you see from orbit, I'd like to see how that looks like (It kind of looks like a bowling ball right now). Also is it possible to put one or all the houses on a small green hill in addition to being on the earth? Thanks!
Kaami, cool, thanks. I didn't see too much variation in the two....I chose the one that I think had the bigger earth. Was that the difference?
I'll take a closer look tonight, but right now I'm thinking I'd like to see some variations on the color of the homes to see what color might look best....second thing is if there are some things we can do with Mars like we did with earth to bring out some realism. Lastly, can you, put the middle home on a real small hill? Thanks again...great work Kaami
Hi Kaami, Can you combine #202 as the lettering for #209 and see how that looks as well as do the variations? Thanks! Looking forward to see what you've been working on.
Kaami, can you make the planet in #270 red also to see how it compares? And for #266, put the middle home on a small hill. That would be great, thanks!
Kaami, is #272 the one with the hill underneath the home? I'm not sure I like how that looks. Maybe we'll do without. What about #270 in red? Can you tell me which entry is that one when you post it? Thanks.
I'd also like to see #266 with the words underneath like in #268 to see how that looks, both underneath the entire earth and maybe halfway up the earth. Time is of the essence since the contest is almost over, so I appreciate your promptness!
Thanks, I do like...can you do a #282, but for the text, remove the triangle above the "H" and make the dot for the "I" normal sized. After you do that, can you then put a variation using the mars from #281 so I can compare the two?
#308 really rocks! Can you take away the triangle above the "H" and make the dot normal sized for the "I" Also, I'd like to see how the blue house would look if you used a different color...maybe do the same thing with brown (light tan home with darker brown roof) to make it look more realistic and stand out more. Great entry!
Kaami - can you add a small "SOLD" sign in front of the home? I'd like to see this concept applied across the board on my designs. Thanks!
Update: A lot of comments I get is that my #315 logo is more appealing b/c it is more symmetrical, the Mars seems to be putting the logo "off-balance" on your logo and to many people it doesn't make it look as "organized" or "unified." I'd like to see how it would look if you could maybe balance it by putting it directly behind the home, kinda like a sunrise....I'm open to any other ideas/suggestions you might have. Thanks for your prompt response, as my contest is nearing the end, you're definitely in the top 2 just depending on how far I can get with finalizing both logos.
The more I look at #308, the more I realize it's difficult to read the text from far away. Maybe doing a half earth like #282 will help the text be more readable. And maybe having the mars like #268, might help it look more symmetrical. I like the house of #308, but in a different color (tan/brown?) and without the smoke.
How would it look between a cross between #359 and #360? Maybe shifting the earth right above the words "MARS" and then have the planet a little larger, but offset to the right of earth. I want Mars to be behind the home, but not the entire home. It's hard to see the home against the backdrop of the planet. Thanks again!