Mark Martinez PhotographyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Mark Martinez Photography

Mark Martinez Photography has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 372 designs from 32 different designers from around the world.




























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#207 FINALLY!!! A different icon theme! thank you. the hearts were beginning 2 wear me out! Would like 2 suggest an icon without a fill in color, using silver or gold or white (on a dark background ) for the line, and a more elegant, less cartoon style to the line itself. LOVE the suggestion of the heart in the middle - this is wonderful! Also a font which is more classic less modern.

Excellent work!!! Very original!

thank you!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback, i will look into changes, should have them done probably tonight or tomorrow morning...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
here a changed color scheme, along with a more conservative font... i will update the 'couple' tomorrow. I assume you were looking for clearer, less organic lines...

(This comment references Entry #222)
14 years ago
#222 - beautiful combination of colors! font perhaps a little to "common" - would like a more classic traditional font. Not really looking for a less organic lines but perhaps lines with a bit more curve, grace, flow? The bride and groom concept is still fantastic. Would also like to see it tied in more with the name as a more cohesive whole.

Thanks again!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
revised the icon & integrated it into the name...

(This comment references Entry #273)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
different way of looking at it...

(This comment references Entry #274)
14 years ago
#273 #274 - thank you , thank you , thank you!!! Wonderful job of interpreting what I was looking for! Fantastic improvement on an already creative design. #274 is unique and could serve well as watermark. #273 is just as useful for other applications. The bride and groom icon is simply gorgeous! This is truly terrific work!

I feel we are close to a completed design. I am now wondering if I could see some attempts to create perhaps a more integrated whole from the icon + text. A flourish line perhaps using the same kind of line used to create the icon that might flow under the text in #273?

Also wondering if the icon may create more of an impact of the line color were different than the text? For example, on a white background have the text silver and the "male" lines of the icon navy blue - the "female" lines lavender. Option #2 - silver and/gold combination for the text and "male" line silver and "female" line gold.

Thank you very much for your outstanding work!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
great feedback :) I will look into your suggestions & have new versions to you probably tomorrow...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
2 new submissions, second one with partial gold effect...
another layout is in the making too...

(This comment references Entry #304)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Different layout & color scheme...

(This comment references Entry #305)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
just a few color variations

(This comment references Entry #309)
14 years ago
#303 #304 #305 - beautiful!!! Love the flowing lines!!!

#303 - This one is pretty wonderful the way it is. Only change would be that "photography" is too small for some of my smaller applications. Also the font is a little "typewriter" looking for something a little more "arial".

#304 - Can we extend the white of the bride and the gold of the groom all the way to the end of their respective flourishes? Same fixes for the word "photography" as in #303.

#305 - same fixes for the word "photography". Lets eliminate the bottom flourish (perhaps replace with a straight bar or leave out completely). Continue colors of bride and groom all the way to the end as requested for #303. Would also like to see a version on a white background with silver text and silver and gold couple. Also one with silver text and blue and lavender couple.

Finally would love to see a version with "mark" stacked above "martinez" and the couple on the left or right side.

wonderful designs!! Fantastic work!!
14 years ago
#306 - like to see a version like this with all silver font and all white bride all gold groom. Or possibly, all white text and all silver bride and all gold groom.

#307 - very nice!! Same fixes to "photography" as previously requested. On the blue background this version may have the greatest impact by replacing lavender with gold. Or, by replacing the silver with a light pink?

14 years ago
Logo Designer
changed the font in this batch, did some color variations...
hope i got most of them...

(This comment references Entry #316)
14 years ago
#316 #317 #318 - This font will work for "photography" - please go back to the original font for "mark martinez". This is the correct placement of names - one above the other - that I was looking for - thank you! Prefer the icon without the square surrounding it. Would like to see a version on a white background with silver text and a blue and lavender couple.

#313 - this is quite nice!! would prefer to see original font for "mark martinez" and all text in white. Also prefer the color of the blue background in #317.

#314 - beautiful! Please eliminate the texture on the bride and groom's flourishes. Go back to original font for "mark martinez". Make bride gold and groom silver and use same gold color for "photography".

#315 - this one is just about perfect!!! Just go back to the original font for "Mark Martinez". Also the texture on the font in this one is distracting- some letters darker than others - can it be evened out?

#310 - gorgeous!!!! just go back to original font for "Mark Martinez". Make the bride gold and the groom silver and "photography" in gold.

#312 - Eliminate texture on bride and groom. "mark martinez" in blue and "photography" in lavender.

Thank you for all the wonderful work on these designs and the attention to detail in these final versions!
14 years ago
Thank you again for all the design updates. As the contest is drawing to a close I would like to make one last request for a new combination of the existing elements: I will need a version based on that of #310 and #312 with the flourishes shortened and "mark" placed above "martinez" placed above "photography" - all the text below the couple. The fonts may have to be reduced in size slightly in order to get the proper proportions. This will make the overall shape of the logo more square or a least vertically rectangular. This shape will make it more versatile in different applications than the more triangular shape of #310 and #312.

Once these last two sets of changes are complete the design should be finished and be included in those that will be considered for the win.

Your work is exceptional. Thank you for entering my contest!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
here the stacked version for now, the others will follow later on...

(This comment references Entry #328)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
submitting a few color variations on this layout...

(This comment references Entry #330)
14 years ago
#328 #329 - gorgeous!!! Couple would need to be moved closer to text but that is a minor detail not worth worrying about at this point. Also want the "arial" type font back for "photography" - also a minor detail. Text for some reason is starting to seem a little "chunky" - is it a bold version perhaps? Again, a minor detail. These designs are essentially complete. WELL DONE!

#331 - Want the "arial" type font for 'photography' - otherwise its perfect!

#332 - Want the "arial" type font for 'photography'. The grey is a little dark but just a minor detail.

#330 - Want the "arial" type font for 'photography' - otherwise its perfect!

#333 - Want the "arial" type font for 'photography'. Blue groom gets lost - make him white.

Wonderful, wonderful work! Thank you!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Alright, next batch is uploaded, fixed the "photography" in all of them & did the color variations...
thanks for your patience.
14 years ago
#362 - perfect.

#361 - perfect.

#360 - perfect.

#359 - perfect.

#356 #357 #358 - perfect.

#352 #353 #354 #355 - perfect.

So, all of these versions are finished. I'm sorry if you missed it but just before the last set of instructions I asked for a more square or rectangular version with "mark" above " martinez" above "photography". Here is a copy of what I wrote:

Thank you again for all the design updates. As the contest is drawing to a close I would like to make one last request for a new combination of the existing elements: I will need a version based on that of #310 and #312 with the flourishes shortened and "mark" placed above "martinez" placed above "photography" - all the text below the couple. The fonts may have to be reduced in size slightly in order to get the proper proportions. This will make the overall shape of the logo more square or a least vertically rectangular. This shape will make it more versatile in different applications than the more triangular shape of #310 and #312.

So if you have the time I would love to see #361 and #362 with the text stacked in this way ( and for #361 can we change the "mark martinez" and the groom to white instead of silver?

Thank you so much for all of the effort in creating these designs. I will be selecting the winner tomorrow (ending the contest a day early).
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, i have no time right now for color variations - they are always possible later though :)

(This comment references Entry #366)
14 years ago
#366 - perfect!!! this is the combination I wanted to see. It looks fantastic!!!

Thank you again for all the work and all the variations. This icon design developed into something truly special!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
I am very glad you like it...

If you need any other changes done just let me know and I'll try to get them done today still, since i will be out most of tomorrow...

Other than that, it's been great working with you, & if you need any graphics support down the road, just let me know...


14 years ago
Logo Designer
#368 & #370 just as color alternatives

#369 White on black - to give you an idea of the impact as watermark...

no other changes, just the color
14 years ago
Thank you for the final color variants! They are all fantastic! I very much enjoyed working with you and wish you the best in your future success!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Well, thank you too - It is great to work with someone who knows how to communicate their ideas & wishes.

I don't know if you are aware, but through your feedback to all the designers you have actually generated a bunch of very different, yet unique logos - out of which you get to pick and choose. By not letting us (the designers) guess in the dark, or narrowing the field to specific designs too quickly, the quality and diversity of the work was immensely increased...

Now, Happy Choosing :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I totally agree with froggy! This is the way LT should be every time! NIce work froggy...
14 years ago
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