I really like these, especially #45. The only problem is that piano is an infrequently used auxiliary instrument. Perhaps you have something like #45 with a bowed string instrument idea in the center?
#55 - I really like this idea. I'm not sure about the font of "arcus" though. I also like the variations. #57 is cool, but I don't think it would translate well to uses such as embroidery on a shirt.
by the way #57 variation would most probably translate well even on embroidery because thin lines can be made with a single pass ...will upload an embroidered-look too.
I like how the letters of the school name are touching the line on most of your new versions. On #68, I do like how the letters of Marcus sort of lean. It seems to balance the M well. Perhaps I could see a combination of those concepts?
#89 - I really like this. There's still something about the font that doesn't seem quite right. I'm not sure what it is, though. If you have any ideas, I'd love to see them.
#96 - thanks! I think I like this one the most of the new variations. Would there be a way to make the "High School Orchestra" larger. If necessary to get more emphasis on "orchestra" and maintain balance, "high school" could be eliminated. Not sure how that would look, but I'm open.
kindly let me know what you think about the latest set i uploaded when you get a chance ...or if it needs any other adjustments anywhere. thanks again! :)
I really like the direction of the new designs. It makes me realize that I think my concern has been how much the logo has been about "Marcus" and how little importance has been on "Orchestra." If you think it might work to have all of "Marcus High School" above the line, and just "Orchestra," spread and large enough to balance "arcus High School," then I think that may really make this pop. "arcus" and "High School" could either all the same font or different.
i think the red(#112) looks good ...it adds contrast to the overall beauty and gives more emphasis on "M" :) ...i would go with the red(but you can also use #108 on other 1-color applications whenever needed)
#112 - two additional refinements to consider: 1. Do you think changing "orchestra" to a more rounded font would unbalance things? 2. Do you see any way to add the "Pride in Excellence" in a way that is still balanced? If you think those wouldn't work, please just let me know. Thanks!
1. no, i don't think changing it to a more rounded font would unbalance things ...it only affects an overall feel e.g squareness adds a bit modern feel (pls see #113)
I really like the updated font for "Orchestra." It just seems more refined to me. I like the addition of the motto. I think I like the balance of #115 more, but I'm not sure if I like the line. Let me live with it this morning and see if any adjustments hit me.
I'm not sure how the final steps of this process work. If chosen, I know you'd be able to give me color and black-and-white versions. Would you also be able to give me three variations: full logo w/motto, full logo w/out motto, and the M/line portion w/out words?
By the way, I agree that it looks nice w/out the line.
yes i love it! =) nothing beats a simple clean and crisp logo. it can be used on wide range applications and there will be no problem because they're all solid colors. The "M" icon works wonderfully too! ..very cool branding :)
one thing i would consider though, is to make the "ARCUS" red too ..personally i think that's cool(marcus can be read as a single word and doesn't take away the right emphasis for "M")
There are elements I like about both. The black seems cleaner and emphasizes the "M." The red is cool. It makes a nice transition into the words out of the "M." Let me sleep on it and I'll let you know. Thanks!
I think I've decided I like the all black "arcus" best. It just seems cleaner, and I like the way it lets the "M" define things. One last question: are any of the files you send transparent, where I could use them over any background? Not sure how that works. Thanks!
yes i will send you transparent files that can be used over any background. after selecting me as winner i'll upload the final files immediately. actually, even after the contest ended i would still be able to send through email any other additional requested file format too if needed. thanks again! =)