Color Preferences
School colors are red and black. Print materials on which the logo will be used will often be black-and-white. Shirts on which logo is used will often be black shirts, so white text would be appropriate.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Idea 1: a soundwave forming the "M" going into a straight line, on which is written the rest of "arcus High School Orchestra" in an elegant, modern font. The soundwave "M" could also be used alone as a logo. See the attached for a rough sketch of this idea.
Idea 2: lowercase "marcus" stacked on top of lowercase "orchestra," with the vertical lines on the "r" and "h" lining up, which some type of pictoral music idea around it, perhaps something related to the scroll of a string instrument, etc.
Idea 3: three color blocks (even black) with "M" in the first, "HS" in the second, and "O" in the third, with the full name out to the right or underneath, a la the BBC. The color block portion could be used as a stand-alone logo, or the full thing could be used for letterhead, etc.
I am not tied to any of these ideas, and am open to something that is in a different direction.