The design I have created is a pictoral mark that is unique, professional, fun and sums up what your business is all about! The Marching Band Shako immediately brings to mind marching bands with the plume turned into a musical note. My personal view is that most music customers will not be familiar with a marcato, so I downplayed the usage using it only to accent the name of the business.
I enjoyed creating this logo, and hope that you like it, too. Thanks for the opportunity!
#10: I like it, but remember that my customers are teachers with degrees in music. They better know what a marcato is since more than half of the markings in marching music are marcatos! :) I dig the spirit of the shako, but I find that it seems a little too happy go lucky for what I'm going for--same for the font. If it could be streamlined or modernized, it would be more what I'm looking for. I'd also like to find a way to marry the words with the logo if possible.