Hi- I like both drawings. #64 because it is the first attempt to use some feng shui in the design ( green- tree energy, blue-water energy, black-metal energy, orange- fire energy) #65- the white and navy contrast makes a strong visual/trust statement. selling homes faster for more money is my mission statement Slight suggestion: I would perhaps try making MAK "pop" standing out a tad from the rest of the text copy yet still work within the color scheme.
if you were the finalist, could you give me both #64/#65 drawings as is but also another verison w the tag line changed to www.isellchicagohomes.com. Thanks, Marilyn OConnor
PS- TMI You are the first to use my motto! Where are you located? reason is I may need the tag line changed out periodicly.
I cant read the web address on your latest #99. Might be ok on stationary but it is an issue on lawn signs. I know I am dealing with 4 color separations if I pick color. Vibrant colors draw the eye in real estate. Words have to readable. M
Dear Bayu, I currently work for REMAX and their signs standout ( pop) or get noticed. So while I like the elegant look of most of the designs, the colors have to balance and the design has to be visible from a car viewing the home listed. I still am having trouble with the scale of some of these drawings and I would like you to take your colored home and see what else might be workable. thanks, Marilyn
Hi- You are still the only one who tried to use most of the feng shui color elements Fire- red Metal- gold/silver/black water-blue wood-green earth-neutral colors- white/brown/sand
I have yours ranked one but I think I would like to see it scaled a bit larger and see if you can take the orange and perhaps work it towards blood orange or?
HI- #64 make the logo a size larger #123- too halloween- try gold for the letters not orange #122- nice but try outlining letters in either gold or silver to give more elegance/dimension? its fine as is but seeing whether that can be done. #75- roof brown ( wood) letters at bottom deep navy, A stays toward a rich moss green, K goes red/maroon/burgundy, M goes gold/mustard think we are working here more on shades of color that reflect the earth/blend together but hold their own and convey elegance.
hi Marilyn, thanks for your nice feedback, but i'm so sorry, in several i can't get the point of your feedback. may i have some question, what do you mean with the size ? do you want to see the logo more big for whole like #138 or just the logo without company name ?
Dear Bayu- #138- now larger for visibility on lawn signs- thanks #139- signage issue -cant read the website address- make the .com address larger #72 give me a verison of this taking the .com address out and adding instead Selling Homes Faster for More Money #65 and #84 would look good as business cards or on stationary
see current website and constraints of space at top or bottom for adding logo to better understand
hi I know I would like working with you. Just an idea to try out on #144- try on the background going from black at the bottom of the screen so it goes to navy to sky blue to pale blue as you go higher. somehow need to get the green real estate to be readable but very workable too
#142- try the MAK letters in gold may be too much but... there is something monotonous about the all black letters with some much balanced color in the logo.
we are close to wrapping this up. I like what you create! thanks, Marilyn
thank you for your feedback and your ideas. let you know that this logo consist of the 'MAK' letters. the blue and black color as the 'M', green and black as 'A', and orange and black as the 'K'. maybe its so imposed, but that is my concept in the beginning. thanks,
#148 -steal from another late entry and draw a line between the two lines of text. Let's go with your idea and use the colors that are already in the logo for the text copy. try your way with MAK or try MAK Blue real estate green inc red website -black or any variation that looks balanced.
#144- real estate in forest green color is good it just needs a thicker font to be read.
Hi- #156 is finished except I still would like you to do the following with the text
MAK real estate inc _________________ place a line between the name and the website www.isellchicagohomes.com
#158,139,#146,#144,#144,#144 are all great but all suffer from needing the website address to be bigger. so instead of www.isellchicagohomes.com
make the website readable
I will be buying your #156 and a several of your other renderings irregardless of placement. thanks, Marilyn OConnor Marilyn@isellchicagohomes.com 284 Granby Lake Forest, IL 60045
HI- Did you go on vacation? I would like you to take #140 and #139 and make the website address readable ( larger) I would be interested in owning #84 and #164 as well. Could you go to my website www.isellchicagohomes.com and tell me what you think as an artist would look best on the left hand corner of my home page? Overall I like your work the best. thanks, Marilyn OConnor marilyn@isellchicagohomes.com
New update work before you decide the final. I want to help you to decide better and better. Sorry for waiting so long. By the way, talk about the price for second logo, I think half of your contest prize would be acceptable. Thank you.
Hi- Contest is ending in 4 hrs. I still want/would like to pick you #1. Thanks for giving me the tan verison. On my first choice I still cant read the web address. I guess this is going to have to be worked on when contest ends as I have to go to work. M
All this work and still the website address is not readable. After contest is over I will still be working with the top 2-3 designers deciding how to get these logos functionable.
Hi- #159 still a terrific design but prefer it with selling homes faster for more money under than web address
#227- main concern is going to be the cost of the ink so I appreciate seeing #230 as well #228 and #230- I like the lighter background ( cost factor) but I prefer the long part of the k in front of the roof line and leg of the K on an angle rather than straighter.
Overall I need to make sure I have NO FONT ISSUES in printing so just as #159 is outined so as not to bleed in doing a 4 color separation, i dont want on a two color separation to have issues either
Hi- Is it possible to get in the eps file that you are sending both #223 and it's reversed out #237 Also, would you be willing to toss in #233? Please explain what is feasible? I realize you have put in a lot of time into this project. I do not need to ask you for any other drawings or modifications. thanks, Marilyn
dear Marilyn, Its so possible, there is no problem for me to send all variation of the winner design that you are interested. But i have pick one for the winner one by logo tournament. And the other variation of the winner design, I will sent by email. thanks
Dear Bayu, This is my first time with Logotournament so not sure the steps. my web team is looking for an eps file on #223 and I am looking to be able to use #233 for the staging portion of my biz and #233 for lawn signs. I am not tech savvy so what format are your files created in? AI? Would need a pdf file on a dvd sent to Marilyn OConnor 284 granby Lake Forest, IL 60045. Sure we can work out the details after contest is over. thanks for all the effort and consistent good work. they are all winners that your created! Marilyn@isellchicagohomes.com