Hi- Like the white background over the black. Like the flow of MAK tho a could be a tad bigger cause the MK are BIG. Like the sailboat, any other thoughts/ideas? realize not the easiest name but overall happy with the look/might play a bit with colors? thanks, M
Dear John, I like the shade of blue ( water energy) also establishes trust. I liked the one done in red ( fire energy) with the grey ( metal energy) one but the website address wasnt very visible and that is impt so I ranked it lower. As to this latest layout, if I was selling homes in Newport Beach, Ca and was an accomplished sailor ( more a golfer than a boater)than it would make sense. Love to be there but I am stuck here for awhile longer. I think that boat sitting up on top will raise more questions by the clients/public. I was born under water energy, live on the shore of Lake Michigan but I SELL ( suburban) HOUSES in flat midwest land. So no mountains either. I guess what I like about the first one is that there is a bit of feminine quality in the script of MAK which match the sails in the boat. It is balanced. While I have made a nice living fixing up homes, selling homes, building some stripcenters -all the work allows me to invest the funds in my firework store. I am more arts and crafts mission/small calif bungalow type girl... earth/wood/water energy w a massive amount of fire thrown in...
Hi- I like both of your renderings a lot. Simple,elegant and easily translated to signs/stationary.
Everything is fine but if we can improve on perfection perhaps try a different font or color for the text I Sell Chicago Homes. com so it is more readable.
Hi- Improved cause I now can read it. Can we do with #2 the website address slanted but silver or black or any other color you think works do not do block letters on #2 across the bottom so I can see which works better design wise. thanks, M
HI- First impressions count. I really liked your work when the first drawing went up and I just visited your portfolio. The drawing you did for Mackinac resort management was inspired with the use of the lighthouse.It really draws the eye in and makes you remember it. Some how still feel I am getting side tracked by "in your face" more than great composition. Hmmm....I own MAK real estate inc, Mak Development, I sell chicago homes.com got to be a "hook" that works someway.... zzzzzz plan to sleep on these choices and see which I cant get out of my head/heart. Marilyn
I still like the first one you drew for me but again I cant read the lower case letters nor will people in their car's driving by be able to read the web address. I know it creates a serene feeling but real estate agencies create arresting visuals to get people's attention. So it is not so much what will look good on stationary, online as much as what works in front of a property or in the properties window. any suggestions? I know you tried the red,aqua blue and the grey and maroon, is there another color combo that would be visually stunning/memorable? thanks, Marilyn
Hi- I truly like everything you have drawn. I appreciate you darkening the web address but it overwhelms the lightness of the MAK portion. I know I will have to add a phone number as well to what ever the final verision is... so now I am dealing with scale/balance or is that something we work on after I select the finalist. Even if you were not #1 I would be interested in buying from you. thanks, Marilyn OConnor
Hi John, Well 100 drawings into this logo biz and I still like #1 as well as #108. I own other LLC's so I can see taking #44 and making that one MAK Development, dropping the website address and just adding a phone number 847-722-6800. so irregardless of placement in the top couple of rankings, I would be interested in using/owning this design. care to shoot me a price for #1 #108 #44. thanks, Marilyn@isellchicagohomes.com