Luxious DesignLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Luxious Design

Luxious Design has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 417 designs from 68 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Heres my first attempt, just let me know if you have any comments or questions. Coffee ring concept will follow shortly. Thanks, Pat

(This comment references Entry #8)
16 years ago
Hi Pat,

Thanks for your entry! We forgot to mention in our initial brief that we really want to avoid beams of light (I just posted a comment on the main page about this). However, there's something intriguing about what you've done on this one.

Right now it doesn't feel "high end" or "boutique" to us. Is there a way to make this a bit simpler and more elegant?

Also, can we differentiate a little more between "Luxious" and "Design"? Right now the capital "D" isn't quite enough to make the difference.

Technically, we'll have problems with the fine gradients of color (when we go to embroider the logo).

Can you experiment with non-secondary colors? The Cyan/Magenta/Yellow are a bit "overdone" in our industry. (Red/green/blue would have the same problem--we need something a little more unique).

Looking forward to your coffee ring design, too! :)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is my "ring" designs. Well rings and acouple other elements, hoping one of them will catch your eye.
Thanks for the earlier comments..... Pat

(This comment references Entry #46)
16 years ago
Hi Pat,

Wow - you just took it up a notch!

We're both strongly drawn to #46 -- both of us looked at it and immediately had a strong, positive, visceral reaction to it.

The problem we're trying to solve, now, is that what it "says" about us isn't necessarily what we're going for... We both thought "Oh, wow!" and then our second thought was "But it's not necessarily right for us, dangit!" It seems like it would be perfect for a traditional art studio... but maybe not for us?

In short, we're really torn. On one hand we love it--the graphical element is extremely striking, and the font, especially with the black and gold, adds a contrasting level of class that we like.

I know that's a bit of a conflicted response, but we're struggling to figure out how this might work for us... Maybe you can play a bit more on this idea and try a few more things out?
16 years ago
Also - forgot to mention what didn't work about the others...

#49 looks like a blood stain.

#48 is too literally a coffee stain. Taking it that next step further (like in #46) is definitely going to work better!

... and let's abandon #8 as we move forward. :)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Wow, almost missed the deadline... Had one more before closing. Good luck with the judging! Later, Pat

(This comment references Entry #392)
15 years ago
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