Thanks for this great entry. We think this is a great execution of what we originally asked for! However, we're realizing that the "coffee stain" just isn't working too well for us any more.
We'd also prefer a thinner font--the bank-gothic look isn't quite right for us.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry the coffee stain didn't work out.
#115 shows a simple, clean and easily readable thin font. The reversed colors on each side are an effort to tie the 2 words together without running them into one word (decreasing readability). I chose a gold color to reflect the high-end, refined goal we're looking to achieve with this one.
#117 is a variation with the i rotated to become an exclamation point. I like hoe the exclamation point forces the reader to take a closer look and how it creates a subtle focus on the "Lux".
#116 I think you're looking for a simpler logo but I couldn't help throwing this in - the left shows a reflection and the right a shadow. Both symbolizing lighting without being too corny.
Thanks for inviting me to have another go at it! Jason