We respond very well to the "design" of this logo--it feels very polished and professional. However, it doesn't quite say enough about "us." We don't necessarily need to convey "lighting," but there needs to be something else that is a little more unique to us, including our high-quality of work, creativity, and great customer service.
The font is interesting, but it may be a little too feminine. I like the energy of the lines, how they are "moving" and you can sort-of see the "strokes" of the pen... but it feels a little too rounded.
Although we like how the "x" in "Luxious" follows the same curves of the circle, the resulting letter is a bit too curvy or feminine for us.
Hope that helps--please let us know what questions you may have! We look forward to seeing more from you.
We really like in #18 that the circle and the "LD" are now the same color--that helps tie them together. We don't like the new "Luxious Design" font, however (especially the stubby "L").
Can we play with a few variations? How about--
- Adapt #18 so that the "Luxious Design" is more of a "rough" font to match the rough circle.
- Adapt #16 so that the "Luxious Design" is a new font, and the circle and the "LD" are the same color.
- What can we do with subtle color differences between "Luxious" and "Design" (making "Luxious" a little more prominent).
Looking at these variations, we're realizing that the "L" and "D" in the circle need to be the same font as the "Luxious Design." -- that ties it all together.
We like the rough circle in the same color as the "L" and "D".
We don't love the original font in the name, but we do like it in the L & D. The curvature and roundness (circles) of the original font are good--it's just the "x" and the "e" that are sticking out at us as problematic.
SO, having said all that, can you please keep looking for some other fonts that might be more effective?
OR, can you find a way to tweak #42 to replace the "x" and "e" in the font? (we also do like that "Luxious" is bolder).
Building on #95, - Change the "e" back to the original one (with the slanted line). - Reduce the LD/circle icon slightly. We'd like to see it come into balance with the name, just a little bit.
Then, please create two variants from that:
1. Then, can you please create a version with the above changes, and close the circle? (just close the small gap on the right side).
2. Then, can you create another version that goes back to a smooth circle instead of the rough one?
The smooth circle is now looking really sharp, and making the icon smaller really helped the overall balance. The original, rotated "e" also makes the word "Design" much stronger--I'm really glad we went back to that.
Can I ask for one more minor, nit-picky change (but hopefully an easy one)?
Would it be possible to extend the "L" in "Luxious" a tiny bit, so the foot of the letter (the bottom/right) is just a little bit longer? We think that would help give the entire word some more weight.
Not sure if we'll also need to extend the L in the LD icon to match...? (just to keep it consistent?)
Thanks for extending the L -- that little tweak really helps. We've been getting great feedback on this logo -- and we think it will look great and be extremely functional for us (the icon will work really well in a variety of situations!).
Can I ask for two more minor revisions?
1. Can you increase the space between the "L" and the "u" just slightly? (now that it's extended, it looks a little cramped). the goal is to make the spacing between them the same as between the other letters.
2. Can you make the above change, AND increase the length of the "L" in the Icon, just a little bit? I'm not sure if this will be better or worse, but I'd love to see it. Of course, the letters will need to shift just a little, to keep the spacing where the L and the D meet the same as before.
Thanks for making those tweaks. I just put the new one (#268) in the top slot.
Increasing the space between the L and the u is great. Thanks. (Amazing what a difference one pixel can make!).
However, I didn't realize until seeing this one that the previous spacing between the L and the D was not exactly even! I think the spacing between those two letters worked better in #187--but the new, longer L definitely works better.
It's a tiny difference, I know, but it definitely enhanced the legibility of the two letters--making it both symbol and letters, rather than just symbol!
We're about ready to officially select your design as the winner. Can you please make one small tweak, and then I think we'll be all set?
Basically, we just want to move the L in the icon a tiny bit to the left, to slightly increase the space between the letters, and make the two letters feel more centered in the circle. The space between the letters in #187 is probably still the right amount.
Also - will you be able to submit a couple of variations with the files? Specifically:
- Please create a variation with the Icon to the left of the name. It may work better to reduce the size of the icon for this variation?
- Please create a variation with the icon between the words "Luxious" and "Design." Again, we'll probably need to reduce the size of the icon for that.
- Any other variations or adjustments that you think might be useful to us down the road? We'll be using the logo right away on our website, and then getting to work on stationery and business cards...