#11 not interested in 11 because I prefer the horizontal text. #10 Too colourful. Out of your designs I prefer #12 but I'd prefer a typeface with more curves and an icon.
#291 - underline is below the icon, please make it so they're the same. Ranked first for now. Try some font revisions - still needs to be clear and readable but perhaps something a bit more unique than arial.
Alright, we'll go with that font. #484 A few finishing touches I'd like you to work on.
First - Alignment. I've mentioned this before, the base of the underline is a bit too low, can you make it exactly the same as the base of the icon. Could you make the spacing between the text and the underline about the same distance as #281?
Second - Icon Colour I'd like to see a few variations. Keep them flame colours, I'd like to see a version with a bit of white though. I'm interested in printing this so the colours should not change when printing - use pantone colours?
Third - (this is to be done after I confirm an icon revision) I'd like to see a different shape "." before the it. Maybe a round one or one identical to the smallest element of the flame. Don't work on this until we've confirmed the icon colour and alignment so you don't have to do heaps of revisions.
#488 Thanks for the alignment with guides. My eye was tricked into thinking it wa slower.
Please make only the centre element of the icon white, the next one could be a pale yellow.
Please curve the ends of the underline.
Finally - take the centre of the flame and use that to dot the i's and the full stop. Scale the dot so it does not look too small or too large compared to the text.
I may want the scaled dot to be the same size as the centre of the flame but I realise this may require the icon to be rescaled so don't do this just yet. Let's see how it looks even if the dot is a slightly different size to the centre.