I really like your approach. #39 has my preference as it uses the nail form and remains readable. The number 2 becomes the center of attention and is easy to recognize. Cool. Could you play around with the fonts a bit? I would like them the express more 'sensuality' or 'design' feel even.
Hi Sirap, Market research shows your logo to be most popular. Would you work on it a little and show me how you envision it on a bottle? Kind regards, Rutger
I like your work, but we're not exactly bouncing ideas back and forth. Is there a reason you won't take the logo to the next level with me? Hope we can find some time to finish the logo.
Can you stick with #39? It's a winner in a 300 person panel. I would like to make the font a little more special and try the whole thing on a taller bottle, which is maybe a white bottle?
I see the nail screen as an integral part of the logo instead of an option. Maybe we can play with it. Stick it in a white bottle and make one part of the nail transparent so it reflects the color or something like that?