Anica, thanks for the designs. The color useage of entry #5 is more appealing to us than the other two.But we're learning as we go through this process that a longated logo verses a square or boxed logo is probably going to work better for the applications that we are going to try to use it for. We added a few more ideas and thoughts on the entries page that you can view and maybe help us figure out what we want. We're still wide open for any design, please keep trying! Thanks Greg & Donna
#18 Looks Great! We had a bunch of ideas written down but this darn logotournament timed us out and we lost all of it so we are going to try again.
This logo would work great with web and printing but we are concerned about using it for uniforms and clothing embroidery. The thin line/outline around the gavel and LTA we like, but are afraid this might be one of our embroidery problems. Can we see this without this border/outline. What we would like to see is for Michigan and Ohio to stand out just a bit more. Then instead of a solid red square can this be just a medium border line square shape?
As for as the lettering, lets start with taking the word company and shrinking it some and stretching it some to fit and then adding thickness to LETS TALK.
#20 We do Like.. few alterations we'd like to see...
Like the red outline around the Michigan and Ohio and the color.
We like the position of the LTA & Gavel on #21 so that you can see the mitten shape of Michigan better -The state of Michigan is known as the Mitten state.
Just to see another option can we see the M/O with LTA & gavel in a circle instead of an oval, we like the oval but are curious.
Now to the lettering can we thicken LETS TALK a bit more and maybe go red on that too. Company looks great! We are struggling with colors right now - not sure what we want... Would like to add Mio, Michigan under the word Company in a smaller font and thought black for color but that leaves company in grey by itself, how do or should we tie all the colors together? Are there any rules or general practices about colors?
Another impressive job! Here's the problem, we're wanting everything in and on this logo, yet we want a simple logo. Basically we're not sure what we want. The circle around the state silohuette is preferred verses the oval. The small words michigan & ohio in the silohuettes can be removed.
We noticed the height of the circle is greater than the height of our name, can we get a little more thickness and height to our Lets Talk Auction Company portion of the logo? even if you have to lenghten it some to keep porportions. We are also interested in any suggestions that you might be able to offer. Sincerely, Greg & Donna
Anica, Once again we sincerely appreciate your efforts, we have spent alot of time going over all of your designs. As we're sure you know everyone has thier own tastes and in our case, we have signs + other things intended for this new logo. We like the silohuette of the two states in our logo because it adds a visual informational value. We would like to modify logo #23, the banner that reads Buying Selling Then... , works well with one modification, can you trim just a thin amount of the banner off the top edge as to thin it a bit and allow the two states to be seen a little more completely? We would also like to see the Lets Talk Auction in red, and then Mio, Michigan placed under the word company, so that it would read like: LETS TALK AUCTION Company Mio, Michigan
#44 The height of the state silhouette is taller than our LETS TALK AUCTION COMPANY can LETS TALK AUCTION COMPANY be made larger to equal the same height as the state silhouettes.
We really like where you put Mio, Michigan.
Our contest ends in less than a hour, hope you get this message in time.
We wanted to let you know that we took the two day extention on the contest because we have a very busy personal life at the moment and several other designs came in through the day today.
We keep looking over all the designs again and again, and keep coming back to yours.
All logos have a purpose, and the owner is the lucky one that has to decide if that purpose is being met by the design that they pick. We really like the state silohuette in your logo, we feel that it tells people that we service both Michigan & Ohio without having to put it into print. The LTA in the silohuette are our company letters that several people have been referring to us by, from their own choosing and we think that maybe as time progresses that maybe we might play on it ourselves as a company nickname. When we started this business many years ago, our whole advertising plan was to be able to say "Buying? Selling? Then...." Lets Talk Auction!, so having that in the banner you created is to our likeing also. We're proud of the fact that we are located in Mio, Michigan and the way you placed it in logo 44 is great!
The only thing we want to try to work on is getting the "Lets Talk Auction Company" to stand a little taller as to come close to, but not exceed the height of the silhouette.
Several of the other logos that have came in are very good, but we're still thinking yours tells more about us by site recongition alone.
Although we extended the contest by two days, we plan on ending it tomorrow, like we said, our personal life is kinda busy right now, We hope you find time to revise your logo again, if for any reason you might need extra time, please let us know. Greg & Donna
#72 Curious - can we see LETS TALK AUCTION in a fine to medium outline or shadow that would work well with vinyl lettering on a pick-up truck cap window.
Do very much like the bolder LETS TALK. The states did seem to get smaller we see what you were doing there keeping the font smaller, but feel this will still be okay. The larger states that you kept bring us was Great but still like the bolder LETS TALK.
#78 it's a hint of a shadow, got to wondering if maybe something a bit more sort of like #22 with AUCTION but not quite as strong or thick of an outline maybe a more defined shadow and again keep it in the grey. Almost there. Thanks.
We know it's been awhile and we are looking to finalize our contest. We really like your design but as a final design we would like to see LETS TALK a slight bit bolder thicker font and all of LETS TALK AUCTION with a bolder wider shadow done in black, more of a defined shadow.
THANKS again for your time and will be ending this soon. Sincerely, Greg and Donna
We have downloaded our logo design and was wondering if you could send us a larger version of the design in a jpg. we do not have illustrator to open the .eps and the other jpg. are not quite large enough we feel for some of our printing needs.