What We Do
Legal Writing Resource, PLLC offers legal research, drafting, and brief writing services to other attorneys.
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I've attached 5 sample logos that I really like.
The "Legal Writing Institute" logo is probably my favorite. I love the way the designer took the old-fashioned idea of a quill and paper and made it very modern. I like how the design is set out next to the company name. I like the font, and I really like how the words "LegalWriting" are set out without a space, but with each word is in a different color. I like how the 3d word, "Institute," is in a smaller font.
I also really like the "Paperclip" logo. It's clean, un-stuffy, confident, modern, urban, hip. I like the font.
I like the colors of the "Quinn Dumke" logo, and I like how each word is in a different color.
I like the colors of the "Jones Noble" logo, and I like how the tree is abstract, and right next to the name.
I included the "Blue Water Legal" logo because I like how the PLLC designation is in a much smaller font, and is set out below the last word.
I like large and small caps as well.
I really like the idea of using a quill in my design, and would like to see that included in the idea, as in the first example I included.
I also like 2 logos on the Logo Tournament site -- the one for "Captiva Legal" that a designer named Eric designed, and one called "Stone Legal."