I love the simplicity and readability of #13 #12 is a great icon, I love the simplicity, I'm more of a rounded edge diamond/rectangle kind of guy. I love how the text and icon seem to fit well together. I also like how you used negative space to create the letters! #14 has great depth, I'm just concerned the "L" isn't very pronounced and might not translate to an embroidered design very well. #15 great depth, the text and logo seem a little too segmented for my taste.
I like how #12 at first looks like just a shape and then you see the "L" and "P" embedded in there. The issue I have with it is that it feels more "sci-fi spaceship" than "Luxury". I like modern, but I think I need a bit more classy luxury feel added to it. I guess it kind of reminds me of a pokemon ball too.
#25 is slick, it kind of reminds me of the Fila symbol though. I'd also like to see some more implied depth if you can pull it off using white space. It feels a bit off-balance to me standing on one leg like that. I'd like it to feel more associated with the text. Maybe it doesn't feel that way to me because the bulk of it is so far from the text?
#67 is great! Can you show me what it would look like if this logo were a 3D cube? Kind of like you did with "Tritus Co" Logo but with the same perspective you already have here in #67?
I did one change, i rounded the P at the top. #91 with the text below the icon #92 with the text on the side #93 only the icon Now it looks more 3d and have a really nice depth, its totality symmetrical and it can be seen as icon and easy to read L and P. Hope you like it
I am working on some revisions. I will make the letters more readable P and L, especially P but i am trying not to make big changes to the L because it can look like the letter V.
#127 is interesting, but I don't like the tail/curves you added as much as I like the straight edges in #91. I do appreciate the rounded edge inside the "P", maybe if all the corners inside the "P" were rounded?