example: #1 Thank You. On this LOGO we are looking for something that is like an approval that this Lawyer has been verified. The Logo should try to instill the thoughts of "Verified Lawyer" or "Lawyer Verified"; like a check mark, or seal (but not big fan of seal), or something that makes you think that the lawyer has been checked out or has been approved by Lawyers Guide that their credentials are good.
Like the use of an image, with the the Scales of Justice and the Check Mark going through the image. Develop they key concept (maybe with teeth on the botton of the key, and the Check Mark to look like a Check Mark throught the image, maybe the check mark giving shape to a V (for the significanc "Verified").
The use of text. .in the image, makes reading the text difficult when small, so get rid of the words ("verified")in the image
As for the Name to the left of the image...use "Verified Lawyers" or Verified Lawyer ..play with the concept with Lawyers Guide smaller below those works....
Great, I'll see what I can come up with. As for colors, would you like it to be simple with 1-2 colors, or how much variation would you like? ...And do you like the colors of #4#5 and #6? Thanks!
I included both the scale and check mark and increased the size of the scale only to show half. This means that people looking at the logo will be able to see what the image represents at a smaller size than before. Also, I reincorporated the check mark with the "verified lawyers" letter v.
Like what your doing with the concept with #10 and #9 ..
Try making the blue a little darker using color code: 0D60AE
Which I believe is the color of our main logo on our site www.lawyersguide.com
Also try a version using that blue and white combination (making the black area white, and using a background of the light blue so that the white stand off.
#26 Team is thinking of moving away from check marks in that in further research there is to many and may be overkill...Keep circle with scales, and something else in the circle, but not to much so it gets cluttered when it is reduced to 25 x 25 ...not sure what it is whether VL (for Verified Lawyer) or what ???
Ok, thank you for the comment. I'll see what I can do to make a logo that fits the needs of your request. Thanks for leading me in the right direction.