These are fantastic! I really appreciate the number of different options you have given us here. A few comments:
#46 and
#47 I think I prefer the two arrows over four - the four arrow icon has more movement to be sure but is too close to the "recycling" sign. The contrast between the serif and sans serif fonts makes it more visually interesting but I am concerned that the heavy serif here is a little too old school. Can you try another font or two that are less heavy? Would you consider doing a sans serif font (ie the one/s used in
#40) or is the combination of serif and sans serif key to the design aesthetic?
I'll be honest that
#37 is a little too Jetsons-y for me but I'm going to hang on to it because I think some of my colleagues may be drawn to it.
#45 - we need to consider how we feel about using a more square (I guess it's upright and slightly rectangular) shape. I really like the contrast!
#48 - like the widget a LOT. The size of the circle overshadows the Launch text a bit, though. What happens if the Launch is a bit larger? Then it overshadows the NY, so maybe that doesn't work.