Graphic Nature:
Really really like your entry
#13, except one thing bugs me about it. I cannot read the .com part. I made some comments separately on the general contest, musing that if .com part is too large it would draw away from the uprising emphasis that gets placed on Geeks right now. I think that uprising emphasis makes geeks stand out and that is good. But at the same time, I would really really like to see what it looks like with the .com slightly bigger. Is that something you could just whip out so I can see it, or is it involved? Or have you already looked at it like that and it messes up the look of the rest of the logo??
Also, I am working on site designs, and want to look at the site designs using the same color green you are using in the logo. Can you tell me the color (#ffee00 ? format)?
Thanks! I really appreciate it - overall I absolutely love the design.