KKB Investment GmbHLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / KKB Investment GmbH KKB Investment GmbH has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 181 designs from 36 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Logo Design Brief Edit Client KKB Investment Germany Slogan Q68 and storage tower What We Do Content: real estate development with grain storage tower situated on water front in Stralsund, Germany. The storage forms the main point of attention in the entire development Q68. Target audience: real estate investors, apartment buyers Industry Real Estate Color Preferences Colors should express an exclusive and sought-after real estate development on the waterfront. The colours should reflect style and modern living in a traditional grain storage from the early 20th century: dark blue, dark green, white, gray, maybe with a flashlike touch of red or orange. Our Ideas & Additional Information For self-explanatory purposes it might be good to show the main elements of the development: - Cubature of storehouse/tower (no photo) - Water (-front) - Q68 - KKB Investment GmbH For better reference, please find a photo of the Storetower: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=410drHj7&id=7E712E0ADF6C6414F187009319BD1D6CF4D78B66&thid=OIP.410drHj7ATsJjzCI-eGaJgHaE6&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2F1%2F10%2FStralsund%252C_am_Hafen_(2013-07-11)%252C_by_Klugschnacker_in_Wikipedia_(12).JPG%2F1024px-Stralsund%252C_am_Hafen_(2013-07-11)%252C_by_Klugschnacker_in_Wikipedia_(12).JPG&exph=680&expw=1024&q=stralsund+getreide+speicher&simid=608029505604357697&ck=D379CA3289ABE697CD563A8D1AA7CECC&selectedindex=0&form=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_sDsP4PRh*cp_85D7A125B995AEB4BAFCEA33E9C0F152*mid_02568FC2BF73F5DEFDBCB278F8E48A65B7EB702A*simid_608018351541061556*thid_OIP.sDsP4PRhrvVKPv3E!_BzDlgAAAA&vt=0&sim=11&iss=VSI&ajaxhist=0 Themes LuxuryRefinedSecureComplexGrayClassic Style Inspiration Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st Arthur 2nd Colorsplayer Withdrawn 3rd Arthur Withdrawn 4th WongTegal Withdrawn 5th WongTegal 6th Colorsplayer Withdrawn 7th groundipunk 8th Colorsplayer 9th Colorsplayer Withdrawn 10th groundipunk Withdrawn New Uta Withdrawn New groundipunk Withdrawn New Uta Withdrawn New surip Withdrawn New groundipunk Withdrawn New Arthur Withdrawn New Bassfade Withdrawn New -3thes- Withdrawn New Dhuhayu Withdrawn New Arthur Withdrawn New Xero Withdrawn New Xero Withdrawn New Dhuhayu Withdrawn New -3thes- Withdrawn New -3thes- Withdrawn New Nafaz New CreativartD Withdrawn New Uta New CreativartD Withdrawn New Xero New genrobo New genrobo New CreativartD New Colorsplayer New Colorsplayer New AWG.art Withdrawn New Xero Withdrawn New Xero Withdrawn New -3thes- Withdrawn New -3thes- Withdrawn New -3thes- Withdrawn New WYN Withdrawn New WYN Withdrawn New WYN Withdrawn New hamasa Withdrawn New hamasa Withdrawn New Bassfade Withdrawn New safira Withdrawn New Dhuhayu Withdrawn New Dhuhayu Withdrawn New Durzalas Withdrawn New Durzalas Withdrawn New darmaya Withdrawn New Dhuhayu Withdrawn New Dhuhayu Withdrawn New -3thes- Withdrawn New -3thes- Withdrawn New Stickie Withdrawn New Uta Withdrawn New Pradigpta* 1 2 3 4 1 ... 4 Next > Discussion KKB Investment Client Please recheck the briefing. Q68 and the storage are more important than KKB Investment GmbH. 3 years ago