Thanks so much for your entries - lots of them, great stuff! I felt that #160 was the best for what we're looking for. I really like it. To be honest, if we were doing anything other than "home loans" I'd pick #161 in a heartbeat. I love it. It is really creative. I seriously think it's so cool. The problem is because we have to remain on the "professional" side of things, that one just doesn't work. I really liked it though. I'm going to talk with my business partner and see if he agrees on it.
Just to look at it - can you do another one like #160, but put the "Valenta" and "lending group" in a gray or silver? I'm just curious how that would look.
Well done. I like it - very well done. I'm going to leave it unranked right now - I'll wait to have my business partner help me with the final slotting.