This could move up the rankings. Suggestions from the team; - make the blue sphere more 'within' the white wrap - ie: make the white wrap slightly larger - amend the shape of the right side of the white wrap so the "K" becomes more subtle
Sevi, You have gone in the opposite direction. The "K" is now more obvious. We are looking to have the "K" more obscure. The left side of the original logo (#125, #126) looks great - the right needs to be more flowing and subtle like that. The way the blue sphere is slightly smaller than the white wrap (ie: blue sphere is 'inside' the white) on the original wrap is appealing also. In short - the "K" needs to be much more subtle and obscure
Note comments with regard to #140 as this is the closest to it. - break the white area above the "W" - this will give us 3 clear white sections - the blue ball needs to be more 'Navy' in coluor and be the size of #142 (ie: just slightly smaller than the white)
#146 and #142 are probably the crowd favourite. Please note the comments from the team; - The ball needs to be evenly central within the white wrap. Currently it is off-centre - We have decided we prefer a more subtle/fine font and well spaced out. #1 and # ranked do this well - the blue ball needs to be only just slightly smaller than the white wrap, such that it appears the white wrap is engulfing it. - can we look at other light sources/shadow options - can we loo at a black background? Whilst the base logo needs a white background, we may also have a need for an opposite. - The blue ball in #142 needs to be Navy in colour - The blue ball in #146 needs to be larger such that it pokes out past the white wrap on the left side
#171 and #174 are pretty interesting. Can you take a quick look at options in cutting the white wrap over the top of the cube (ie: exposing some of the blue cube on the top) - either partially or fully - so as to provide a 3D effect with the smaller blue cube inside the white wrap.
#181 and 3182 were not what we were after. We do not want to stack blue on top of the white. rather, we want to cut away some of the white box to reveal some of the blue box below - jusr the same as it is in the front faces. Basically it is to join up the two 'blue waves' across the top of the box. Not sure how it will work - but worth taking a look.
On #180. Please move the red ball slightly to the right and slightly backwards such that it is very slightly separated from the cube and we can see the blue band running the ground. We really like this font.