K5 LaboratoriesLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / K5 Laboratories
K5 Laboratories has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 270 designs
from 38 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Manufacturing company of wellness, beauty and personal care products that contain full spectrum hemp oil. Although our products contain hemp we steer away from any direct use of the cannabis leaf as a whole. We are open abstract versions of plant/leaf sections but do not want to be perceived as a 'Marijuana' company. Our products are produced for white label customers and are sold wholesale business to business.
Color Preferences
Bold, greyish tones of Black, Blue, Green, Orange.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
K5 Laboratories as a brand needs to be perceived as trusted, precise and clean with an inspiration of nature and safety. Although we adhere to a clinical set of standards we don't want to be overly black and white with the feel of the logo. We need the K5 to be the focal point and would like the logo to be based around K5. As mentioned prior, we don't want to be perceived as a 'Marijuana' company and try to stay away from the outright use of a cannabis leaf. I will gladly accept the abstract use of plant/leaf parts but must stay away from the direct use of a cannabis leaf.
Style Inspiration