John HostLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / John Host

John Host has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 196 designs from 27 different designers from around the world.






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Original idea, but not completely convinced…font very very simple…
10 years ago
I think I will keep this project for the next step. I like it, and a part of my friends too.

But you really need to change the font, find something sober, like that, but more original.

And I will really appreciate if you create a picture with a panther, that I can use separately : I would keep just the font for my main logo, and the symbol of the panther for caps, tee-shirts, etc. It would be very nice if you can give me differents vectorial if you win the tournament.

Thank you so much if you do that. If you do it, and if that's good, you can really win, because I very like the idea with the eyes, and nobody else find it! ;-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your feedback, here are my new design for your consideration, I hope you like them.

#138 #139 #140 #141

10 years ago
Hell Edwin.

Thanks for your efforts, very appreciate! ;-)

But sadly I'm not sure that you understand what I ask to you :

- I juste want that your change a little bit the font of #91 (stay sober, like that, but a little more original : it seem's like "arial" writting! I can do that myself (without the eyes, obviously)! lol But the logo is very good like this, with just the eyes, without the panther.

- I would like a white panther (on complete black). Yours is not bad, but I think you can do really better : it seems like "sport's club"! ^^ Perhaps with a slope more right It will be already better. But just the panther : no need complete logo.

Sorry for my bad english. Ask me if something I see is not clear.
10 years ago
Thanks for your new projects! I really like #151

- Your new panther #155 is now my favorite : ideal for tattoos, cap, tee-shirt, etc : very beautiful, but simple!
- I prefer white on black
- Better font, but I think it still can be better
- The yellow eyes are very good idea : keep it! Create new project exactly like this, but with yellow eyes
- In general, your logo is for this time not my favorite, but lot of my friends appreciate it, specially the girl.
Perhaps you need to think about something a little more "viril", perhaps just in the font. But stay very sober, like this.
- I think for the global concept it will be good to have good relationship between the global logo and the picture of the panther. Perhaps similarity with the font (in general), or yellow eyes of the panther even in the picture. But I'm not sure that's very good for the goodies.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, here are another variation #161 #162 #163, I'll try another ones.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
#164 new font
10 years ago
Thank for your efforts. I think you think every time your logo is better and better. Two thing can be ameliorate :

- Perhaps the panther : not bad, but I think something can be better
- Not sur with the font

For now, lot of people, like me, really like your logo, but almost nobody tell me "you have to choose this logo", at the need.

I think you stll have chances, but you have to find something really really good on the font and the panther. And if that's a better relationship between them, that's very good point! ;-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, I'll send you the revision tomorrow, its already midnight here in Indonesia. Please wait for my new revision.

10 years ago
Hello Edwin.

I hope for now you don't create new projects, because I thought all this day long of your logo, and you get lucky : I think I exactly know what I want with your project, and I think it can be the winning project. I speak of this with some friends, and everyone find this awesome. It's why not your rank 1. But now you have to work, this next days. My complete idea is around the eyes :

- We keep the main logo like this. But the font can't be really better : almost everyone like the font of #160, so try something like this. I think I like the eyes like #90, so try with this eyes for the new logo. I'm not sure with or without the "tears", so try two ways.
- All around this (and I think it's where my idea is brilliant ^^), you create the face of a new panther, perfectly inserted in the rest. I see a panther with design rather simple. Think that I want to use this for tattoos, for projection in screens with leds, etc. I see a panther rather aggressive, with the mouth open.
- With this concept, the project can be decline in many ways : just the eyes - the eyes with the writing - just the panther - everything together! Killer, no?! ^^

Sorry for the job : you think $350 for all this? I'm almost sure you win, with that. The only reason you don't win would be that you don't find pretty panther and good font (but I think it will be not difficult for you), or suddenly a lot of people don't like your project, but that's not what I hear for the beginning of the tournament...

10 years ago
Logo Designer
OK, how about this font #178, and the panther at #179 #180 has a same feature as the font which is a pointy corner. What do you think?

And here is just another variation for consideration #177
10 years ago
Wonderful! The new font #178 is awesome!

Now I am not sure that you understood well what I wish, concerning the panther. Do not hesitate to ask me more questions before beginning the new projects, to be sure to understand well:

I would like that you makes a panther of face, that we can STACK in the logo, with as base eyes: do you understand well the idea?

I know that it is an a little complicated project which will imply that you have to create still completely a new panther.

You will also have, at the end of the tournament, to give me vectors for every element separately:

- A vector just with eyes
- A vector with eyes + the writing (that would be probably something like #178)
- A vector just with the panther (including eyes, of course)
- A project with all the elements together

You understand the idea? It is to be able to create lighting effects on video. In my opinion that to give something of magnificent.

Do you think that, for all this work, to give me all these elements, I should pay you more?

By chance do you also make of the video? Because if it is the case, you could also create me a project (separately of the tournament), with the lighting effects about which I speak to you, and I would pay you for example 500 dollars for the whole (I would pay you another 150 dollars directly on your account).

In any case it is quite good for you: I presented "our" project to a lot of people, and everybody is seduced (the women it is downright the 100% unanimity! ^^) You have now just to create me the beautiful panther who misses me, and that you guarantee me that at the end of the competition you will give me vectors separately. If you just do that, I stop the tournament and you win! :)

Concerning the video, of course it is a proposal, not at all a requirement to gain the competition : if you can not make her, I shall ask somebody else, with your vectors.
10 years ago
Thank you so much for all your efforts. :)
10 years ago
Four your inspiration…

Of course a picture (not a pics! ^^), something not too complicate - mouth more open (I wann see the teeths) - just the head - just outlines in white - inside with colors (red for the mouth)

Ask me all the questions you have : don't hesitate. Very complicate for me to clearly explain all this with e-mails...
10 years ago
#181 : Yesss! You understand, now… ;-)

You're on the good direction…but of course something really better! ^^
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Tato777, sorry for the misunderstanding, I upload a quick sketch #181, did you mean like that? of course it just a rough sketch. Please let me know if I'm wrong.

And yes ofcourse I can send you with the separated element like you asked above.

And about the video, maybe I can do that, but since we are still in an active contest, we are restricted by the Logotournament rules to discuss another design job outside the logo. We can discuss about this when the contest is finished.
10 years ago
Perfect! Now we are on the same wavelength! It's ok for you we stay for at 350 box, and we speak after the contest for another business?! ^^

Now I'm going to bed. It's 5:20 in Switzerland, and I mixed all the night long! I'm very tied. :)

Have an excellent week-end. Courage for your job…
10 years ago

If it's possible for us to finish soon the projects, it will be very good for me : because I have a great evening the 14 mars, and I want to use my new DJ name and logo.

Just do the best as you can.

Thanks. :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, here is the revisions #182 #183 and #184, what do you think?
10 years ago
Not bat at all, but it can be really better. A real panther's picture, with curves. not a robot, like this. ^^
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Understood, please wait, I'll submit the fix
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, here they are #185 #186 #187, what do you think.
10 years ago
Thank you very much. Every time that's better. Your'e on the good direction. ;-)

Sadly for me that's not a panther : more a dog, or something like this…I'm sorry to be so complicate, but I think you understand me?!

And two things still that you could improve:

- I would prefer completely "finished" lines, that we see well all the outlines of the panther.

- I think that that could well give if we saw the inside of the mouth of the panther, in red.

I annoy you with this panther a lot, but that is going to be a logo that I am going to use for tattoos, T-shirts, caps, etc., thus she must be really PERFECT!

I shall pay you certainly a little more, as discussed, at the end of the competition(help), for all your additional services : it is your idea, so good, that inspired a lot me. On the base I thought not at all of setting up all this. :)

Good luck!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Tato777, here are the revisions #188 #189 #190 . Please let me know what you think. I hope you like them.

10 years ago
Thank you Edwin.

It is really very well. This time we are really very close to what I look for. There are more than details to be completed.

Of what you think who is better: I let you gain the competition in the current state, and you finish details, and other projects, after the competition, either I still extend a few days (anyway I am going to indicate you as winner : no more doubt on that)?!

Concerning details still to correct and to complete, before or after the competition :

- Your last panther is really good, but I think that she can be again perfected. The shape of the ears of a panther is more rounded off, if you look at photos. I am not completely convinced by the lines on the front : that it are sensible to represent?! The mustache is far too thick, and not rather long (I think that either we make her not, or we her does really better). Concerning the general shape of the face, I wonder if it should not be still slightly finer. Look, please, at the photos of panther, to inspire you. I am unfortunately not still safe 100 % which people will see that your drawing is a panther. Apparently it is not easy to draw, as animal. I am really sorry …
- I think that the writing of "John Host" could be a little better centered on the face: it seems to me that the "s" and the "t" are wider than the other letters. That do you say it? I am conscious that we shall manage not to center perfectly the writing on the face, but I would like at least not that it exceeds, as #188.
- When these last details will be corrected, we can look still for variants, level colors. I had in particular the idea of a variant with the colors of a "normal ", that is yellow panther with black spots. I think on white bottom, or black. The black also, we could see what that gives onto white bottom.

Naturally, one to look for a financial arrangement for all this, at the end of the competition. :)
10 years ago
I prolongate the tournament, because that's now time enough to receive your answer. But soon as you finish (or if you guarantee that you finish the project after the contest), I stop the tournament.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Tato777, no problem, I'll do all the revision and fix it need until you satisfied with the final result, please wait and I'll submit the revision.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
How about this one #191 ? I fix the panther front line and now the font didn't go outside the panther face.
10 years ago
Yes! This new panther is really good. Even almost completed. I think that we arrive very soon in the rear.:)

Can you redo another version with the just a little less long manton, the ears any young can sharp (between that and #190), and especially without all the drawings in white, on the forehead, which are unnecessary in my opinion? You can also make me a version without the name inside.

On the other hand, concerning the writing, it is not that that I wanted: with the aim of the creation of the video, I wanted that the name of DJ can overlap perfectly on eyes, and behind that we can also stack the panther. You understand the idea? But that seems maybe not possible, with this size: it will maybe be simpler than you makes me a project, after the competition, with a bigger head of panther, on a much bigger bottom.

Always concerning this writing, what I proposed, it is just to reduce just a little the width of the "s" and the "t", which seem to me wider than the other letters: otherwise you can keep everything like that. That appears to me very well. And as I said, we shall look for the superimposing of the panther on the logo after the competition, in another size.

I would love just man STP that you finalize the last details of make her(it) and of the panther, and after we can stop the competition. :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Tato777, sorry for waiting, here is the new revision #192 and #193. I don't really understand what you mean with manton, I guest you mean the mustache?

And you are right, it almost not possible to make the text name perfectly in the middle because the position of the eyes (letter o) which are not in the middle of the text itself.
10 years ago
It is really really good.:)

Just still details to be seen:

- For my part, I believe that you can try a project without ANYTHING on the forehead (without eyebrows).
- We badly understood: it is not mustaches, that it was necessary to reduce. They were already perfect on #191.
- What I wanted a little less long, it is the CHIN, that is the lower part of the face. Just just a little less long.

With these corrections, I think that we will be perfect. :)

Otherwise do you reduced the width of the "s" and the "t", in the new project #192 ? It looks good, in any case. You could redo me also the main logo (just with eyes and writing, with "s" and "t" less wide, STP?

Thank you so much for everything.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Great, OK here they are #194 #195 #196

And yes I reduced the width of the "s" and the "t" so they match the another letter
10 years ago
Thank you very much. For me that's perfect. Now I just wait for my friends opinion. ;-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Great, I'll wait for it
10 years ago

So my friend agree : your project is now perfect! I think we can finish the tournament with this.

But it is OK for your to create different variables and additional projects after the tournament? Obviously with an additional financial arrangement. ;-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes of course, that would be great :)
10 years ago
Ok! So officially : congratulations for your victory!!! :)
10 years ago
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