Hi. Thanks for your late entry to our contest. Definitely something different. We'd love to see just a few changes before we make our final decision on our winner:
For the mascot: 1) Remove the red shopping bag. 2) His nose looks a little funny with that pink/purple color. Can you make it a different darker color? Dark blue or black? 3) His shoes look a little like heels, so can you straighten out the bottoms to make them look more like men's shoes or sneakers?
Thanks for the quick replies! Would you mind trying it red? And also, use the nose position you had in #75 , rather than the nose in #97. I think it works better without the slant on it. Thank you!
You also might want to try changing the nose so it's not a full circle or anything but just a line. Like a backwards "C".
We like the nose in #96 , but the poisition of it is a bit awkward. Can almost look like it's his other ear. So try doing that kind of nose, but just as a black line, in the same position as #75 (right below the eyes). And no color on nose, just skin color inside the backwards C.
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. #100 isn't quite right. #99 is real close with the nose. It just needs to be a lot thinner. Like 1 or 2 pixels in thickness, but pretty much follow the same shape you have for it. Also, somehow our guy lost an arm in #99. :) Thanks!
Thanks for putting the arm back in #101 , but I don't think I'm getting my point across about the nose. What you did in #101 is about half right. Can you "finish off" the backwards C part? It looks like you only did the bottom half. Continue the nose so that it goes across on the top, just like it does on the bottom.