Just a crazy thought which is different than what I am looking for, but in #23, in orange color, can you put "Look. Love. Buy." on the left most portion of the "J". (Left Side). Use the font from the www.mavenconsulting.com website for Even the Odd...see comments on logos. Thanks.
Please try different "J" styles as not sure if this one really shows the J. Also, please work on the J in a diamond on the ground and then the tagline across as in the website I Sent to you. Thanks for your submissions.
#23. Can you change the circle on top of "J" to a diamond. #28. I do not like the "J". Too thick and too similar to one I sort of like. Can you use a totally different "J". #27. It's cool, but the "J" is too thick. #29. Right Idea, but missing something. Maybe its the colors. Can you use the "J" from #23, so there is some cohesiveness. Also, Look Buy Love, put in different color.
#23. Can you add the Look. Love. Buy, just like in #30. Then, in another version as #23, can you add the Look. Love. Buy. sideway along the left side of the "J".
#55. is very nice too. Since you removed the orange in the faded diamond...can you add the Look. Love. Buy. in ORANGE and make the text slightly larger. Make the border lightly thinner, too thick right now and on the bottom write out Jewelsters.
Sorry...but I think there is a miscommunication. I want the 3D version. #85 is in 3D. I like the spacing between the top of the J and the Diamond in 84. Keep 85 as it, just raist it ever so slightly and looks very grainy.
ok. looks like #86 is 1st right now. Actually all of yours are the only ones I have ranked. The feedback I have received from marketing companies on this is that, without the "ewelsters", the J in front does not look like a J. Do you have any thoughts on how to improve the look so if stand alone by itself, the J in front can look like a J. Thanks for your work.
#103 is very nice. Something to try - to see how it looks. Take the diamond and turn it into a "W". I think the diamond has the same shape and might add that pop. Basically the "W" will have the facets of the diamond to make its shape.
ok will do and upload when done. about the font you mentioned, I'm afraid its license will prevent me from using it commercially (it's free for personal use only). I'll see if I can find something similar with no restrictions :)
ok, no prob on the font. I have one more idea...see if you can understand it here.
Capital J - the line that goes across the top of the J goes all the way to the right and becomes part of the "L" and come down and across and the bottom of the L underline "sters". So the top of the "J" has a line across "ewe" and flows in the "L" and then the "L" underlines the sters. make sense?
#114. Please lower the tag line just a bit. As for the diamond on top, look at #86 and #94 and see if the diamond needs the 3D depth. let me know what you think.
#115. Please remove the diamond on the top.
#120. GREAT Idea, but does not work for me. Looks too flat.
#123. Brilliant! Thank you. Overall, which one do YOU like the best in the top 5 that I have ranked, which are all your submissions. I think I found my new graphic designer!
I like #123 because of the sparkle :) It's simple and looks cool (quite literally). #114 & #124 could be a strong mark but when rendered in monochrome, would probably lose its appeal.
I know you mentioned no black but I think #123 works even better on dark backgrounds
#130. Can you do one more revision where you remove the shadow and put www.jewelsters.com. This would be printed on velvet pouch, so i think for it to come our right it needs to be flat. Thanks.
#131. Do you think the J and the diamond needs to be flat as well. Think about his this will look when printed on a velvet jewelry pouch. Also, can you make the www.jewelsters.com slightly larger. Can I end the contest and if I have some revisions, will you still help me.
Also, maybe just make the diamond on top flat. I do not think the J will look good flat.
yes you can end the contest earlier and yes, I can help you with the iterations you want even if the contest has already ended. I did this for some of my clients. I'll also be providing you with different iterations of the logo so you can use it for different applications.
I think it's best for the logo to be in one color when printing on a jewelry pouch.
ok so #130 is the winner for website. I like #131, but can you do the same thing with .com on the side. The other one you did with .com on the side, the light blue is not the right color, you changed it.