Love your stuff...actually #16 was my favorite, but I got overruled hard!!! the thing I liked about it was the circle logo which would go on my photos. Haven't ruled it out, but either way you are now in first place! #15 & #14 are both sweet and both really possible choices for finalist. thanks!
OK...great shot CIt - I like your stuff! The circle part is too dominate in #68, and then the 'wings' are just kinda little. Also a little plain ...... rough it up some and let's see where we go...just needs to be a little edgier. I really think this contest is gonna come down to you and biink - you seem to be the only ones listening!
You are seriously one of my favorite designers..I could use you in the future even if you don't win this! Are we allowed to exchange info? Let me know...this won't be my last project. #85, #86, #87 won't make my top list...i'm liking #68 and similar from other designers better. Note I extended the contest due to the superbowl, so please don't stop trying if you have time!
Yeah i wont stop trying and dont know if i can give you my email so you can get in touch with me but ill send it to you anyways. I mean work is work!! Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for everything...I'm still not sure which direction we will end up going. My marketing guy, my wife, office manager and myself are all giving input. I truly appreciate your efforts...I have meetings tomorrow to try to finalize things!
Yeah well i guess it was to boyish for me!!!! i really appreciate the time you took to give me feedback!!!! and well i wish you the best of luck finding the logo that suits your photography the best!!!! in case you wanna contact me for further work my email is Thank you