Thank you for your entries! The colors are intriguing. I especially like the gradients. But I'm not sure about the shapes yet. Shape-wise, I like 37, but I'm not sure how Kari feels. Hopefully she'll comment soon. I also like the font on 37.
Hello, Thanks for your entries! Nice work! We have decided to change our company name. Please see our updated brief for more information. Thanks again for all of your work! Now that we've changed the name to Clara Communications (Clara meaning clear in Latin), I think your logos that look like abstract "Cs" might be great. Does the new name spark any new ideas for you? Thanks again! Helen
Thank you for the update! I like it a lot! Could you try putting the logo to the left of the name as well? And maybe try removing the lines around the logo? Thanks for being so responsive! Helen
Wow! You work fast! Beautiful stuff! Kari and I both think that #57 is beautiful just as it is! That said, would you be able to work with it a bit and try to add some additional colors and possibly give it a solid white background? My husband commented that he thought the leaf overshadowed the name, and he thought perhaps that would not be the case if the leaf were smaller and/or it were rotated a bit (not sure to what degree). Also, maybe playing with color/gradient/etc. in the font would have the same effect. Are there any other fonts you like as well?
I also like what you've now done with #56. Very cool! I like both of these.
We're also asking for input from our friends/family because we've been looking at logos for so long, I fear we're starting to nit pick. We want something that stands out - that says bold and creative - that is interesting yet a bit simple - that is colorful but not whimsical - that communicates quality/confidence/etc. And you've been doing a great job with this.
Thank you for the feedback i really appreciate it. I will work on it tomorrow as soon as i get up, right now it 1:20am at my place and i can hardly see the screen. Its good to hear input from others, 10 people are always smarter then 2.
I really like these! Thank you! My only concern on some of them is that the font with the icon gives me the sense that we're a pharmaceutical company.
Of the new ones, I think 67 is my favorite, then 66 and 65.
67 - I like the additional color and the color gradient in the font. I also like the lighter weight of the font. 66 - I like the font, but it might be too strong/thick still. I miss the stronger shadow evident in 65 and 74. I'd also like to see a taller "l" to give a little more height to the name. I do like the lowercase "c" though. 65 - I like the changed color in the pixelated section of the leaf, and I like the taller "l". I also like the shadow, but I miss the color variation in the leaf. 74 - I like the angle of the leaf and how it overlaps the text a bit, but it's the font in this one that brings pharmaceutical companies to mind for me.
I still like 56 quite a bit, but I'm not sure how Kari feels about it.
I really love 84 and 85! Wow! What do you think? Of your designs, which is your favorite? These are stunning! Thank you for adjusting everything and coming up with new entries/ideas as well!
I like that Ginko leaf a lot! You're very talented at taking suggestions and making beautiful designs. Thank you! What do you think it would look like with a stem that was a little longer and a bit curved toward the base?
We are leaning toward choosing one of your designs, but we're still wavering about what we want exactly. We're also not even sure that the leaf/organic/nature theme is what we should really be doing, so we're going to get some quick feedback from people in the industry. Here are our thoughts/concerns:
1. We want to make sure that the logo will look ok in black and white if we ever need to fax it (many hospitals still use old equipment, including fax machines, on a regular basis. 2. We want to make sure that it's relevant to a healthcare audience and to what we are trying to convey (we think it is, but we're not 100% confident) 3. We'd like to see a logo with a tree before we choose a final design. 4. We really like the idea of bokeh, but we're not sure how that would translate into a logo. 5. We both seem to gravitate toward colorful/bold designs. 6. We want something memorable and relatively easy to sketch from memory (if one had the talent) 7. We want to stand out and be different than others in the inudstry. 8. We don't want anything obvious.
You can see from the other rankings what we like (although we both rank our top 5 very differently, yours are in both of our top 5 choices).
If we choose you as our designer, will we be able to get tweaks after the contest is over? Also, would you, at that point, be comfortable giving us your email?
I saw you have ranked some new logos that are in different direction than mine, i'll make some in that direction later today cause now i need to go to my friend that got son this afternoon. My suggestion to you is, make some research for the logos in your industry so you don't end up with some poor copy of some logo that already exist. Yes, if i get to be the winner i will give you my e mail not just for last tweaking, i'm also good in other design skills.
Sorry we haven't responded to your notes. I don't get the emails (this is Kari's account), so I didn't notice you'd commented back.
We both like 85, and we like what you did with 105 and 107. 107 is really pretty, but now I'm picturing it with a slightly smaller leaf. And we LOVE 105, but were wondering if you could outline the leaves more so show separation (and make it slightly more obvious that they are gingko leaves), but then put a white "C" in the middle instead of the flower shape. What do you think that would look like? Not sure whether it should be a lower case or a capital C, and I think you could do whatever you wanted with the font in that case.
Thanks again! It's probably getting quite late in Serbia. I hope we're not keeping you up!
105: Could you do what we mentioned above and maybe add some space (and shape) between the leaves so people won't mistake it for a diamond?
107: Could you make the leaf a little smaller and make the water drops significantly smaller?
And could you try putting the leaf to the left of the text and wrap the stem underneath the text?
Also, how would you feel about trying something with a lot of color? The people we've been asking have been gravitating toward the colorful logos from other people. We know you've got the eye and the talent, so we thought we'd ask.
Hi, here are the modifications, hope you like them. I also tried putting a white "C" in the middle instead of the flower shape but i couldn't make it look good.
Thanks, Mare! These are so beautiful! I figured that you tried the C and it just wasn't right, and that's fine. You've obviously got a great eye for design, so we trust you. You've made some wonderful modifications. Thank you!
I LOVE 129, and I think it's great as is. I don't see anything I'd change (of course that could change! :))
For 126/131, would you be willing to switch out some of the colors? I think I'm missing the yellow. I'm not sure which colors we'd choose, but I do think yellow might look nice. Also, although I am not sure yet, I wonder if this theme would look better (or not?) with the more squared leaf like 105. How difficult/time consuming is it to create new versions for us to see? I don't want you to spend all day, but I would like to see how slight changes would affect the overall feel of the logo. With the rounded edges, my husband thinks it looks like a sand dollar, which actually isn't a bad thing, but it's an interesting comment and something to think about.
I know that 126/131 are modifications of 105 (and beautiful modifications), but I'm still drawn to 105. I'm still hoping to see the leaves with a little more outline so it's more obvious that they're leaves. Maybe just a darker shade of green or even the yellow. I actually like the shape a lot, so I don't think you'd need to change that to look more like the leaf shape in 126/131.
One more thought (sorry!) - could you try tilting 126/129 so it's just off kilter a bit. I don't know how many degrees that would be - maybe 45 degrees?
We love 129, but we'd like to try a couple of small tweaks. Could you lay the leaf on its side so that the stem side of the leaf is nearly parallel to the C in Clara. Also, we really like the shadow, and we miss it in this logo.
What we're thinking is to so something like this, but with a gingko leaf, and use vibrant (not pastel) colors mixed in the leaf like heru did above.
We're also wavering on our name (AGAIN). Would you be able to switch out Clara Communications with Iris Eir and/or Iris Enki Interactive? Our problem with the Iris Eir was that we didn't like the way it looked, and we were afraid people wouldn't know how to pronounce Eir, but it had so much meaning to what we do -- the messenger goddess and the goddess of health. But Clara (for clear in Latin) is pretty and it has some meaning. We're such a pain! I know! Thank you for being tolerant of our wishy-washyness.
And finally, have you considered working on a tree logo at all?
Kari just asked if it would be possible to do the gingko design with 5 or 6 leaves instead of 4. That way, we would avoid any cross issues (so there's no cross feel at all, which Kari is getting from the more angular 4 gingko logos (the green ones), and if we wanted to do color, it would allow for more color. I know we said we wanted 4 distinct sections to represent the four areas of our business, so we're sorry about that if it limited your creativity.
The one we've ranked #2 now is similar to what we're thinking we'd like to see from you. But what we don't like about it (and we've told the designer) is that the pinwheel shape in the middle is too distracting. It's the first thing we notice, and we have to really look at it to realize there are gingko leaves in there. If we could have the stems thicker or the pinwheel changed somehow so it wasn't the focus of the logo, that would be fantastic.
Right now, we're wavering between bold splashes of color and a simple green gingko leaf (or 5 or 6 green leaves instead of the 4 you've done already). If we could see the leaf on its side and an option with additonal leaves and more primary/bold colors for the colored leaf (and possibly one like the link we sent), we feel we'll be able to make a good decision. We have so much to choose from now (and we love many of your designs), that we're feeling a bit overwhelmed, as I'm sure you are. It's crunch time. :)
Ok i'll do my best and post it as i finish. The tree concept requires a lot of time so the tree look good and i really don't have it these days, i'll look at my design folder, maybe there is some tree that i have made before. If there is i'll post it for sure.
Thank you! I must admit that i didn't work so hard on my previous contests like i'm working in yours. Don't know why but i just told my self i got to win this one. I already have 30 files in Clara folder usually its 5-6. Let me see what i can do with your new requests.
We really like the Heru rainbow / colour gradient effects. He is right now ranked 2nd. Would you be able to incorporate any of that into your designs, particularly #181 and #167 ? Thank you for your patience!
I can incorporate the coloring/gradients but i wont do that, i'm very sorry but i can't tell you why cause commenting other designers work is forbidden during the contest specially in private designer page.
Sorry. I didn't know the rules. Kari has done this before, and I haven't, and I didn't see or read any of the rules. I was just making comments. I wouldn't want you to do anything that was against the rules, and I don't want to break them either. We like that you're ethical. That's what we're looking for. And we like how hard you've worked on this contest. We really want to choose you, which is why we've asked for so much.
We have had a few people comment that the rainbow colors really look like a gay pride logo, and although we have no problem with that as a concept, our customers might be turned off by it if they had the same impression.
I think right now we're wavering between 181 and 167, but we're wondering if maybe 181 might look less like the pride flag if we only had variations of green, yellow and blue rather than the entire rainbow. How difficult would that be?
Also, in 129, could we remove the base of the stem (where it goes under the font), and just have it curve ever so slightly under the left edge of the C, and maybe, if it works, add a shadow somewhere? If we could do that, we'd probably like it better than the one just laying on its side.