Can I see this in Blue. And also - would you consider incorporating the "eye" and "eye brow" of #4 in your design. So first, same logo in Blue lens instead of red. And then another one incorporating the eye and eye brow
I also like how the flare/light on the top of #5 lenses almost resembles the frames which "swoop" pack to the arms of the glasses. Could the same effect be done for the swooping down arms?
Hey Bro - you are doing a great job. Quick request on #2, can you: 1) Words - make "in" grey and "vision" red. 2) on the glasses do the same highlight at the top of the glasses that you did for #11 but don't put the rectangle reflection element
I love #48 very nice. Could I ask you to try an "emerald green" in place of the grey. both in the words and the lens. Kind of a "Matrix" feel where you have the green and red pill.
here is verison with black me there is nto much rend and gree so by keepin gthe icon portion red and green only the emphasis on Red Pill Green Pill works better...
Got your message. Looks like we will be going with your glasses concept. Here is a request.
We would like to see some modifications to: #48 1) #71 - Words like 71 - if you can duplicate the exact font/letter of 71 ... we really like that lettering 2) Drop shadow below the glasses like your #7 3) Once the above two changes are made can we see that design in black and white as well (for when we do black and white printing)
We are really liking the glasses of #82 but we are still not happy with the font / lettering. Is there anyway to get closer to the one ranked 2 - as far as lettering goes.
For one we like the "v" in vision tilted the other way and not the way you currently have it and we want "in" in grey and "vision" in red - with no mixing of the red/grey between the words so they stand out clearer.
We are ready to select you as #1 - just want to request one change that you can do once we select you.
Can you do the exact font / gradiant of #62 to go with the exact glasses you have in #150. We really like the font of that one and your glasses ROCK!!!!
We woudl want that in the red/grey version adn black and white.