I want to clarify what happened here, i reported you to logocourt because in my mind there are SIMILARITIES CONCEPT in layout by putting the letter in the left with angled , briefcase in the center and interview in paper in the right angled, and the way he coloring the word "interview roadmap" is the same.... that are the main issues...and irish logo in my opinion is copycat... Honestly, i invite top designers to vote, they are already won more than 1 gold and i think they are not a stupid designers but professional designers. in LC it's didn't need hard mind to vote the copycat... i was surprised when moderator canceled the decision and you're comeback to the contest!
Is it possible to take out the globe and insert something else? I think the globe might make people think I offer international resumes and interview consulting but I only help those in the US currently.
In addition, can we make it look like two piece of paper versus 1 since I do resumes and cover letters?
Also, can I see this logo with a clear background as when I put it on my site I'll want to merge with the background I already have. I plan on using the logo for t-shirts too so it should work with any color t-shirt I use.
Sorry, one last thing...for the new logos I requested above, can we also make one of the pages of paper look like a resume? So have maybe a few lines of text centered at the top and then the rest of the page is justified text? Sort of like this:
You are wonderful! Thanks for all the edits. For #150 can we center the first few lines? It looks flushed to the left but they need to be centered like they were for a resume. the example I gave above didnt look right once it was posted..for some reason the first few lines revereted back to the right after I hit "post comment".
Also, will you be able to provide this logo with a clear background as well as a 72 DPI version and 300 DPI version? Will you be able to provide the Illustrator file as well you used to make this in case I need to make adjustments later on my own?
Lastly, can you bring the company name and tagline to the right of the logo? Let's also make the tagline a little bigger b/c I don't know if it'll show up on my page: www.interviewroadmap.com I might have to take it out on my own and manually type it in on my website.
Also, when moving the company name and tagline next to the logo, try to make sure the logo is still a good size because I don't want to lose out on the beautiful details when I post it. :)