Hey Irish,
You are wonderful! Thanks for all the edits. For
#150 can we center the first few lines? It looks flushed to the left but they need to be centered like they were for a resume. the example I gave above didnt look right once it was posted..for some reason the first few lines revereted back to the right after I hit "post comment".
Also, will you be able to provide this logo with a clear background as well as a 72 DPI version and 300 DPI version? Will you be able to provide the Illustrator file as well you used to make this in case I need to make adjustments later on my own?
Lastly, can you bring the company name and tagline to the right of the logo? Let's also make the tagline a little bigger b/c I don't know if it'll show up on my page: www.interviewroadmap.com I might have to take it out on my own and manually type it in on my website.