Hi novaera,
I really appreciate all of the ideas you're coming up with!
I'll try to keep giving you feedback on each one as each of your designs have a good feel to them.
#74 / #75: The lettering looks good and I actually like this logo. I'm surprised because I have been liking the padlock concepts less lately. But what this concept still lacks that I'd really like to see is a sense of something dynamic and fast feeling. In other words, it looks a little static. Where #28 and the other circles could be seen as the end of a telescope or something else in motion, the lock looks fixed.
Speaking of the circle ideas, #25 and #55 are my favorites with
#46 very close behind. But others aren't as excited about this concept.
#58 / #59: It feels a bit like two checkmarks in the logo, which feels redundant.
#65 / #66: I like this one, but it may be a little too far on the simple side. It has a slight feel of something dynamic, but the shield could look like it is broken or has a gap in it, so may be off-message.
#72 / #73: Overall these concepts felt again too simplistic and a bit on the boxy side. It would seem that icons with some curves in them are more interesting (here the keyhole doesn't really count towards a curve).
The overall look of your logos with their blue gradients and the treatment of the text is nice. The trick is in the graphic logo element...