This option is very simple and shows clearly what wants to reflect your brand.
The blue figure shows a (abstract) eye an eye that can checks and scan, an eye that can protect correctly, your company monitors for the user, the user can be calm for the protection that you deliver him, I like much this concept, I hope that also you like.
This new option shows clearly an idea of protection, the letter "z" spreads and covers or proteje the other fonts, basically it shows this option, a strong idea about protection.
Your mission is protect the persons of many threats.
This new design shows a tower of alertness as the letter "L" I believe that it is clear and reflects with an easy idea what wants your company, hope you like it, thank you.
If you have some commentary about over of my options, i will love listen to it.
Thank you for these submissions, I'm quite happy with them overall. The treatment of the lettering is great on each of these and especially #33 and #28. I wasn't wild about the watchtower of #29 and didn't feel the name was readable for #30. #30 looks a bit like a puzzle, which is an interesting idea, but in this case it more conveys difficulty where we want to simplify access to the web.
#28 and #33 each have the ability to separate the graphic element from the name, which is important to us. The concept of the "eye" is growing on me and I may move that to the top -- especially since it is abstract and doesn't give a "big brother" feel.
You asked about our mission. In short, we empower people to avoid the parts of the Internet that can cause them problems. On the security side, this means identifying sites with viruses or phishing attacks. On the policy side this usually means avoiding pornography and sites could land a person in trouble (like sites that host stolen software). Our mission is to quickly label websites (and independent portions of websites) so people can surf safely.
Thanks for the new entries. #28 remains my favorite, but I do like #45 and #47 as well. As I ranked these I thought I preferred #45 to #47, but honestly, as I look at them now, I might reconsider that. I've solicited feedback from some other folks in the company and may revisit this. But, one thing I would like to see would be #45 with the "V" flipped to look more like a checkmark.
What is the difference between #46 and #47? Was one of them meant to be on a white background?
The more I look at #47 the more I think I might lift that up further, but I'm going to wait for feedback from others to see how it strikes them. Thanks for these entries.
You have some great designs here so let me address each one:
#50 / #51: I actually like this one quite a lot, but the "v" in zvelo looks like a backwards checkmark and the backwards aspect isn't pleasing to me. Perhaps if it were horizontally flipped?
#54 / #55: I like having the eye slightly above the lettering in this one. Some folks I'm showing this to say they don't "get" this logo as much, although I still like it.
#48 / #49 / #52 / #53: The reason I rejected these is because they don't have a separate logo. Your #46 is more what we're looking for in terms of having two separate but compatible and integrated parts to the logo, which is a requirement.
I really appreciate all of the ideas you're coming up with!
I'll try to keep giving you feedback on each one as each of your designs have a good feel to them.
#74 / #75: The lettering looks good and I actually like this logo. I'm surprised because I have been liking the padlock concepts less lately. But what this concept still lacks that I'd really like to see is a sense of something dynamic and fast feeling. In other words, it looks a little static. Where #28 and the other circles could be seen as the end of a telescope or something else in motion, the lock looks fixed.
Speaking of the circle ideas, #25 and #55 are my favorites with #46 very close behind. But others aren't as excited about this concept.
#58 / #59: It feels a bit like two checkmarks in the logo, which feels redundant.
#65 / #66: I like this one, but it may be a little too far on the simple side. It has a slight feel of something dynamic, but the shield could look like it is broken or has a gap in it, so may be off-message.
#72 / #73: Overall these concepts felt again too simplistic and a bit on the boxy side. It would seem that icons with some curves in them are more interesting (here the keyhole doesn't really count towards a curve).
The overall look of your logos with their blue gradients and the treatment of the text is nice. The trick is in the graphic logo element...
After thinking about it and looking at it a lot, #87 is now my top entry. It shows security, but also is a bit like a bulls eye, which plays into our targeted categorization technology.
Regarding the ones you withdrew: I might like you to bring them back, but I've already forgotten what they were. :-( I know that one of them was formerly in 3rd place though...
I like the font you're using in #87 and others. It has a certain elegance without being feminine. I also like the thicker and bolder style from #28.
I'm not wild about the eagle concept of #89. The broken shield concept of #95 is also one I'm not wild about. I actually thought it was a trophy at first, but a coworker thought it was a coffee cup on a saucer. Sorry. Its pretty, but not quite right.
I started #92 at a decent rank, but have since come to think that it might look like the shield is disintegrating, which would not be good, so I'm moving that down a bit.
This is one of my favorites, shows protection idea because the circle of the center is protected, shows the first and second eye idea, but is like a technology eye, i like a lot if i can be honest, is the combination of two of your favorites, thanks and good luck, i really want to do a great work for you.
i think this option can show a lot of important things....look.
1- This option shows the eye idea with ten circle and the figure on the top 2- Shows protection idea because the circle is protected in the center. 3- The shield idea is important too, is like a defense symbol, this option show the shield too. 4- the "z" letter of zvelo idea, the figure on the top is part of the complete eye, but is a letter "z" too.
I think this option look very simple and unique, shows the principal elements of your business.
Hope you like it, im waiting for your comments, thanks and good luck !!!
#181 and #180 the eye is hide and is watching. You and your business are preper when some problem or virus apprear.....swap !!! you and your business (hide eye) appear and destroy the treath or virus, i like this concept too, is simple and look great !!!