I very much like the shield logo you've created here. Instead of feeling static and passive as most shield concepts do, you've brought this one to life. I've ranked this at the top for the moment, but this logo probably won't win because of the treatment of the text, which is a bit sci-fi and a bit boxy without any real interest points besides the yellow dot inside the "o". Please look at #7, #21, and #25 for examples of lettering that is better. If you can nail the lettering I think this has a great shot at winning.
This is much better, but the lettering still looks like it was just typed rather than part of a professional logo. The checkmark helps, but I'd like to see some kind of styling -- a bigger font size for the "v", an underline coming out from the z, a smaller "e" with a bar over it -- or ideas more like #25, #107, #139, and #87, too, which isn't stylized so much, but has interesting letters.